by Bill Haley | Jan 7, 2020 | Coracle News, Justice and Mercy
Happy New Year everyone! We just finished the Christmas season, and I’ll bet you heard those powerful words in “O Holy Night” more than once: “Truly He taught us to love one another, His law is love and His gospel is peace / Chains shall He break for the slave is our...
by Bill Haley | Dec 18, 2019 | Coracle News, Pilgrimage
Friends, there are some very exciting things coming up in 2020, and I really hope you’ll join in some of it. I can promise you adventure, God, heartache, joy, depth, wonder, and watching God do stuff in you, around you, and through you. Here are some highlights...
by Bill Haley | Dec 5, 2019 | Church Unity, Liturgical Seasons
I love my parents, they did a great job with us four kids. They didn’t do it perfectly of course (what parent does?), but they loved us as best they knew how, and loved Jesus as best they knew how, and those two things cover a multitude of, well, things I’m sure they...
by Bill Haley | Nov 8, 2019 | Church Unity, For the World, Justice and Mercy, Pilgrimage
Coracle’s first pilgrimage to understand immigration issues and the forces that are driving tens of thousands of people northwards from Central America is now done. We flew from Washington DC to Guatemala, and then on through Mexico to Juarez and then El Paso,...
by Bill Haley | Oct 18, 2019 | Church Unity, Contemplative Life
For a long time my life has been formed and fed by the monastic tradition. It began by reading Henri Nouwen’s Genesee Diary in college, and it was that book that introduced me to monasteries, the Trappists, and spiritual direction. Since that time and over time God...
by Bill Haley | Oct 5, 2019 | For the World, Pilgrimage
It didn’t take long to realize it. It was after witnessing the prayer and fasting, and hearing story after story of the same. And then hearing testimonies of people who had come to believe in Jesus because they saw a loved one healed after prayers in his name. ...
by Bill Haley | Sep 20, 2019 | Creation
It was surely a surprise 10 years ago when God invited us to move from the inner-city of DC to rural Virginia in the Shenandoah Valley. It was unexpected, and unexpectedly good, a grace. It was as if the Lord was saying to us, “Thank you for your heart and service...
by Bill Haley | Sep 17, 2019 | Contemplative Life
I imagine that many of you, like me, did not come from a sacramental tradition. Perhaps you find yourself in one now and still have questions when it comes time on Sunday for “Communion,” “The Lord’s Supper,” “The...
by Bill Haley | Aug 30, 2019 | Vocation
Happy Labor Day weekend, friends! Some years ago, I wrote this for the Washington Post, and I hope that in reading it for the first time or re-reading it, you’ll be reminded deeply and again that your work is one of the main ways God does his work in the world. Take...
by Bill Haley | Jul 18, 2019 | Contemplative Life
A few weeks ago, I had the privilege of speaking to about 20 college students from The Falls Church Anglican who were back for the summer or getting ready to enter freshman year. I was basically told ‘talk about whatever you’d like,’ so I chose to reflect back...
by Bill Haley | Jul 10, 2019 | Coracle News, For the World, Justice and Mercy
In October, Coracle is going to Guatemala and then on to the border between Texas and Mexico in El Paso and Juarez. On one level, this trip has been years in the making, on another level it is timely, if not a bit late. But it is the Holy Spirit’s time, of that I am...
by Bill Haley | Jul 5, 2019 | Church Unity, For the World, Justice and Mercy
This past Sunday I preached at The Falls Church Anglican on one of the most confusing and important verses in the Bible: Colossians 1.24 “Now I rejoice in my sufferings for your sake, and in my flesh I am filling up what is lacking in Christ’s afflictions for the...
by Bill Haley | Jun 18, 2019 | Coracle News
On August 15, 2009, in response to that gentle and clear invitation from God, Tara and I moved from the inner-city of DC to what would come be called Corhaven, meaning ‘rest for the heart’ and ‘a safe place for the soul’. Almost 10 years later, it’s been that thin...
by Bill Haley | Jun 14, 2019 | Justice and Mercy, Peacemaking
This past Wednesday night, many from our Coracle Community went to a sneak-peek showing of the new film Emanuel, near the fourth anniversary now of the shooting at Mother Emanuel AME Church in Charleston, SC. We went because the story matters, this tragedy is worth...
by Bill Haley | Jun 5, 2019 | Vocation
Years ago, when I was speaking at a men’s retreat in Philadelphia, I got into a conversation with Jerry. Jerry owned and ran a car dealership. It sounded like a great work environment that was pastoral and love-filled. He said that the business had allowed him a lot...
by Bill Haley | Apr 18, 2019 | For the World, Peacemaking
I returned from the Holy Land just 10 days ago from Coracle’s most recent pilgrimage with the Telos Group. What struck me this time particularly was how central caves are in the story of Christ and the hope of the world. In Israel where stone is the dominant feature...
by Bill Haley | Apr 17, 2019 | Liturgical Seasons
(I offered these reflections today at The Falls Church Anglican) This Good Friday, we remember the seven last words of Jesus from the cross. Seven last gasps. The Apostle John said of Jesus that if a person tried to write down all the things he did and said, the...
by Bill Haley | Mar 28, 2019 | Peacemaking
Tomorrow I’ll fly to the Holy Land with another 17 pilgrims for a very unusual experience of Israel and Palestine. Todd Deatherage of The Telos Group and I will co-lead it, our fourth trip doing this together. It’ll be my sixth trip following in the literal...
by Bill Haley | Mar 22, 2019 | Contemplative Life, Justice and Mercy
I don’t know anyone who doesn’t have a lot to do! Most people I know really want to make a difference in the world and make it a better place for more people. Many of us struggle to pray more and be with God more deeply as the deepest way we respond to the...
by Bill Haley | Mar 8, 2019 | Contemplative Life, Creation
I love Lent. Somehow it gives me the opportunity again to honestly own what I deeply know––I am a sinner, and sin. In the words of the confession from the 1559 Book of Common Prayer (see below) which we sometimes still say, “There is no health in us”. Lent reminds...