Spiritual Formation
for Kingdom Action®

2024 Annual Report

See where we went with God this past year!

"Essential Christianity" Online Course

A 15-part journey through the beautifully expansive story of God’s love and coming Kingdom, taught by Rev. Bill Haley.


Our weekly podcast offers formation and inspiration for anyone longing for more of God in their lives and in the world.

We gather online and in-person every week to grow together as followers of Jesus

Audio, Video, and Written Resources assembled topically for your spiritual flourishing

We offer retreats for individuals and groups in every season & stage of their spiritual journey

Explore our network of Spiritual Directors, trained to be a listening, prayerful presence in your journey with God

Learn more about the areas of our broken world where we seek to bring God’s redeeming presence

Our communities in Northern Virginia, Baltimore, the Shenandoah Valley, and Online gather regularly to practice spiritual disciplines and engage the brokenness of the world

Major Initiatives

The Corhaven

An historic burial ground for African-Americans that remembers and honors the deceased and helps cultivate opportunities that look to the future with hope, peace, and justice for all people

Common Good Things

A business and ministry of Coracle that offers thoughtfully-conceived products that are crafted with love and made in a way that upholds our hope for the “common good”

A program that seeks to bring racial healing in the US by offering “An American Lent,” a 50-day online tool aimed at helping participants begin to really RECOGNIZE the persistent legacy of slavery, REPENT with sorrow, and RESPOND meaningfully, in the context of RELATIONSHIPS

Our complete resource library

Wisdom and Courage For This Hour

“Grant us wis­dom, grant us cour­age, For the fac­ing of this hour, For the facing of this hour.” from God of Grace, and God of Glory, words by Harry Emerson Fosdick. Y’all, these are indeed ‘times that try men’s (and women’s) souls’.  Underneath every raging sea...

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“Reclaiming Valentine’s Day”

In this "Space for God: Beauty" devotional, Margot Eyring (Coracle Spiritual Direction Coordinator) guides us into the Legend of Saint Valentine and how it inspired her and her community to celebrate Valentine's Day through the years.  She encourages us to...

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