
Author: Bill Haley

A Personal Letter from Me

A Personal Letter from Me

Happy Bright Week friends!  This is the week when we continue to bask in the joy of the Resurrection, and there’s much to be joyful about, even as we carry the burdens of our days.  There’s much to tell you about, many good things, and if you read between the lines of...
The Wounded, Risen Lord: John 20

The Wounded, Risen Lord: John 20

In the first “Space for God: BIBLE,” Rev. Bill Haley (Coracle Executive Director) opens up the story of Jesus’ first resurrected appearances as recorded in John 20. Ultimately, he invites us to a powerful and counter-cultural vision for the Christian...
SOUNDINGS: “Composing Your Death Song”

SOUNDINGS: “Composing Your Death Song”

The years of our life are seventy, or even by reason of strength eighty…they are soon gone, and we fly away.   Psalm 90.10 “O death, where is your victory?  O death, where is your sting?”  1 Cor. 15.55 On December 28, 1872 in Arizona’s Salt River Canyon, US Major...
SOUNDINGS: “Why Beauty Matters Right Now”

SOUNDINGS: “Why Beauty Matters Right Now”

“These times are riven with anxiety and uncertainty, given the current global crisis…  At first, it sounds completely naive to suggest that now might be time to invoke and awaken beauty.  Yet this is exactly [my] claim…” John O’Donohue, 2004“Every good gift and every...
At Our Feet and Face to Face

At Our Feet and Face to Face

This essay was written after a 16-month trip around the world I was blessed to take in 1994.  The lessons contained within are as true as ever, and I hope they are a blessing to you as they remain to me! We live in a world of wonders.  We live in a world of jewels. ...
Coracle’s 2020 Annual Report

Coracle’s 2020 Annual Report

Dear Friends of Coracle, Right around this time every year, I write a letter to you listing some of the great things that have happened through Coracle in the year almost passed and offering a little look ahead into the next year, and usually that letter ends up being...
What the Trees Said

What the Trees Said

I sojourned to south-central Montana in mid-September.  The break came at the end of an unexpectedly intense seven weeks, and before a seven-week stretch that I knew would be intense, and unexpectedly became much more so.  I needed this time to rest, to immerse myself...
SOUNDINGS: “God in the Perfect Storm”

SOUNDINGS: “God in the Perfect Storm”

DOWNLOAD THIS REFLECTION >> And when Jesus got into the boat, his disciples followed him. And behold, there arose a great storm on the sea, so that the boat was being swamped by the waves; but he was asleep. And they went and woke him, saying, “Save us, Lord; we...
Why I Chose to March

Why I Chose to March

This past Friday– August 28, 2020– I joined some friends on the Walk the Walk 2020 march from Alexandria VA to Washington DC, ‘a faith pilgrimage of racial reckoning, resolve and love’ on the 57th anniversary of Martin Luther King’s ‘March on Washington’ and the 65th...
Fall 2020: “Anchors in the Storm”

Fall 2020: “Anchors in the Storm”

Friends, it’s already been an intense year– severe storms of a pandemic and America’s racial reckoning have kicked up and are not done yet.  And here comes our election season, and this storm will be very intense for the next couple of months while the other two keep...