
Tag: art

A Visible Presence

A Visible Presence

How might we, as Christians, be a visible presence to the communities where we live?  Aside from checking on our neighbors, family, and friends, what might we do to share the love of Jesus with others?  As followers of Jesus, we are people of HOPE!  We have good news...
Education in a Time of Coronavirus

Education in a Time of Coronavirus

On Thursday, April 2, we invited educators (and friends) Laura Mastroianni and Erica Reiter to share some creative approaches to “learning from home” for those of us who are still navigating the disruptions that school closures and remote work have caused...
Joseph Speaks

Joseph Speaks

She insisted on seeing me face-to-face, unveiled, defying all custom for the betrothed to remain apart until the wedding feast. I watched her eyes rain when she saw doubt and pain in mine. They said it was a good match: me from David’s royal line, she connected to...

Advent Resources

Here’s a list of Advent resources, curated with love, that we hope will help you prepare well for Christmas this year. An innovative and beautiful online Advent Calendar utilizing Visio Divina, Biola University’s Advent Project, leads you through visual...
The Bridge Between Reason and Desire

The Bridge Between Reason and Desire

It was a dark room with about 16 other people in it.  Unseasonably hot outside, the air conditioning was going full blast, and I shivered under a duct as I awaited Rose Cousins, Canadian singer/songwriter, at a small venue in suburbia.  Her 2017 release Natural...
A Decade of Corhaven!

A Decade of Corhaven!

On August 15, 2009, in response to that gentle and clear invitation from God, Tara and I moved from the inner-city of DC to what would come be called Corhaven, meaning ‘rest for the heart’ and ‘a safe place for the soul’.  Almost 10 years later, it’s been that thin...


In the movie Monty Python and the Holy Grail, there is a running gag featuring monks in sombre garments, trudging through streets, chanting mirthlessly and monotonously in Latin, hitting themselves on the head with boards in between cadences of their chant.  Despite...

The Tangible Love of Christ in Lent

Fifteen years ago my wife Peggy and I had the incredible opportunity of spending two weeks with Dallas Willard and a community of brothers and sisters at the Mater Dolorosa Passionist Retreat Center in Sierra Madre, California.  As that week progressed we were given...

Lent Resources 2017

Liturgical seasons can act as guideposts through the year and Lent is a particularly special one.  It’s easy to get caught up in the “sackcloth and ashes” part of Lent, with all the self-denial and focus on our own sin.  This is important to...

Bono and Eugene Peterson on the Psalms

I’m tempted to say that there is nothing more important that you could be doing with the next 20 minutes of your life than watching this 20 minute documentary of a conversation between Eugene Peterson and U2’s frontman Bono on the Psalms.  This is very...