

SOUNDINGS – Corhaven, Space and Place, and Your Stuff

SOUNDINGS – Corhaven, Space and Place, and Your Stuff

It was surely a surprise 10 years ago when God invited us to move from the inner-city of DC to rural Virginia in the Shenandoah Valley.  It was unexpected, and unexpectedly good, a grace.  It was as if the Lord was saying to us, “Thank you for your heart and service...
SOUNDINGS – Our Work, God’s Work

SOUNDINGS – Our Work, God’s Work

Happy Labor Day weekend, friends!  Some years ago, I wrote this for the Washington Post, and I hope that in reading it for the first time or re-reading it, you’ll be reminded deeply and again that your work is one of the main ways God does his work in the world. Take...

SOUNDINGS – What the Holy Land Needs Now

Tomorrow I’ll fly to the Holy Land with another 17 pilgrims for a very unusual experience of Israel and Palestine.  Todd Deatherage of The Telos Group and I will co-lead it, our fourth trip doing this together.   It’ll be my sixth trip following in the literal...

SOUNDINGS – What Then Shall We Do?

This past week I was pleased and privileged again to attend the Matthew 25 Gathering, where folks from the Anglican Church of North America gather to encourage each other in the ways that God has called us to work for the Kingdom, and work for justice with mercy. ...
SOUNDINGS: “Wrestling with God”

SOUNDINGS: “Wrestling with God”

We wrestle with God for all sorts of reasons.  Sometimes, we want to wrestle because of what we see “out there”– a culture moving in the wrong direction, the moral failings of trusted leaders, the disunity and strife amongst God’s people, etc. ...

SOUNDINGS – The ‘Mini’ Tikkun Olam

“Tikkun Olam” is I think one of the most powerful phrases on the planet.  It’s Hebrew and of the Jewish tradition, and captures the vocation of post-Fall woman and man.  It simply means “repair of the world”.   Embedded in Tikkun Olam are the assertions that...

SOUNDINGS – Deep Longing, Deeper Hope

Advent–always a wonderful, and strange, season.   It’s wonderful because it gives the opportunity once again to recall the long wait of the people of God for their Savior, and the promises punctuating centuries of waiting throughout the Old Testament that would find...

SOUNDINGS – Seeing What Was Hidden

I’d been on that roof top many times in Kathmandu, and never seen it.  But when last there and our group was taking the Eucharist on that same roof top deck, one of our members suddenly exclaimed, “Look!  There’s a Himalaya!”  And indeed there it was, one mighty...