
Advent Resources

Here’s a list of Advent resources, curated with love, that we hope will help you prepare well for Christmas this year. An innovative and beautiful online Advent Calendar utilizing Visio Divina, Biola University’s Advent Project, leads you through visual...
Creation Care at Corhaven Graveyard

Creation Care at Corhaven Graveyard

Graveyard. When you hear that word, what comes to mind? Perhaps neatly mown grass—short blades interrupted by granite headstones carved with names and scrollwork. Perhaps vases of flowers, trinkets, or similar tributes to the dead settled near the stones? Perhaps...
The Book of Acts in the Himalayas

The Book of Acts in the Himalayas

It didn’t take long to realize it.   It was after witnessing the prayer and fasting, and hearing story after story of the same.   And then hearing testimonies of people who had come to believe in Jesus because they saw a loved one healed after prayers in his name.  ...
SOUNDINGS – Corhaven, Space and Place, and Your Stuff

SOUNDINGS – Corhaven, Space and Place, and Your Stuff

It was surely a surprise 10 years ago when God invited us to move from the inner-city of DC to rural Virginia in the Shenandoah Valley.  It was unexpected, and unexpectedly good, a grace.  It was as if the Lord was saying to us, “Thank you for your heart and service...
The Eucharistic Life

The Eucharistic Life

I imagine that many of you, like me, did not come from a sacramental tradition. Perhaps you find yourself in one now and still have questions when it comes time on Sunday for “Communion,” “The Lord’s Supper,” “The...
Halfway Through My Year as a Coracle Fellow

Halfway Through My Year as a Coracle Fellow

As we approach the halfway point of a year of gathering together, I reflect on what I thought this year would be and what its reality has been.  When I discovered the Fellows program, by accident really, I immediately heard God whisper my name, “Kelly, this is what we...
What is the Father’s Heart for Justice?

What is the Father’s Heart for Justice?

by Jacalyn Barnes, Director of the Repentance Project This is the question that resonated in my own heart as our country’s legacy of slavery and racism began to erupt in explosions of violence and terror. I turned to the Scriptures and wept. From the Old Testament to...
SOUNDINGS – Our Work, God’s Work

SOUNDINGS – Our Work, God’s Work

Happy Labor Day weekend, friends!  Some years ago, I wrote this for the Washington Post, and I hope that in reading it for the first time or re-reading it, you’ll be reminded deeply and again that your work is one of the main ways God does his work in the world. Take...
What We Need to Nourish Our Souls

What We Need to Nourish Our Souls

My husband and I live on an Air Force base, and a few weeks ago, I went for an afternoon walk along the trail that circles the runway. I had just purchased a jogging stroller from my sister’s neighbor and wanted to give it a try, but the timing was terrible and the...