
Category: Contemplative Life

“Holy Week from Corhaven Graveyard”

In this “Space for God” devotional, Sarah Kohrs (Director of Corhaven Graveyard) guides us through an immersive virtual tour of the Graveyard, a historic burial ground for two dozen formerly enslaved persons. She uses scripture, nature, and silence to help...
The Stranger Within/Without

The Stranger Within/Without

In this “Space for God” devotional, Danny Nasry (Coracle Community Minister) guides us through an opportunity to connect with our inherent human weakness as an invitation to worship and prayer.  He interacts with some well-known passages from scripture and...
“Beauty in Prayer”

“Beauty in Prayer”

In this “Space for God” devotional, Rev. Mary Gardner guides us through a contemplative encounter with artistic depictions of prayer, paired with helpful prompts to spark our own prayer. We hope it will be a blessing to you as you pray with your mind,...
The Wounded, Risen Lord: John 20

The Wounded, Risen Lord: John 20

In the first “Space for God: BIBLE,” Rev. Bill Haley (Coracle Executive Director) opens up the story of Jesus’ first resurrected appearances as recorded in John 20. Ultimately, he invites us to a powerful and counter-cultural vision for the Christian...
SOUNDINGS: “Composing Your Death Song”

SOUNDINGS: “Composing Your Death Song”

The years of our life are seventy, or even by reason of strength eighty…they are soon gone, and we fly away.   Psalm 90.10 “O death, where is your victory?  O death, where is your sting?”  1 Cor. 15.55 On December 28, 1872 in Arizona’s Salt River Canyon, US Major...

“Barriers to True Love”

In this “Space for God” Devotional, Barbara Ryan (Coracle Associate) guides us through a reflection on how and why we struggle to see ourselves and others as God sees us– as God’s Image Bearers. She draws upon Scripture, CS Lewis, and her own poetry...

“A Good Lent” with Rev. Skip Ryan

In this “Space for God” devotional, Rev. Skip Ryan guides us into a fresh encounter with the Beatitudes as a way of cultivating the right headspace and heart space for Lent.  We hope you’ll find somewhere comfy, grab a Bible, open it up to Matthew 5,...
The Image of God & Down Syndrome

The Image of God & Down Syndrome

In this “Simple Soundings” Devotional, Danny Nasry (Coracle Community Minister) shares a variety of ways Christians have interpreted “the image of God” and how these different conceptions might be reshaped if we used the lives of those with...
Encounters with Beauty

Encounters with Beauty

In this Collection, we will be assembling reflections, devotionals, and other resources intended 1) to help us grow in our ability to behold the beauty always around us, and 2) to offer opportunities for direct encounters with beauty– whether through art, creation, or...
“Winter Beauty”

“Winter Beauty”

In this “Space for God” devotional, Rev. Bill Haley also makes space for beauty.  In particular, he invites us into a contemplative stroll through music, poetry, and natural beauty woven together by the theme of Winter.  We hope it is a blessing and a...
SOUNDINGS: “Why Beauty Matters Right Now”

SOUNDINGS: “Why Beauty Matters Right Now”

“These times are riven with anxiety and uncertainty, given the current global crisis…  At first, it sounds completely naive to suggest that now might be time to invoke and awaken beauty.  Yet this is exactly [my] claim…” John O’Donohue, 2004“Every good gift and every...
At Our Feet and Face to Face

At Our Feet and Face to Face

This essay was written after a 16-month trip around the world I was blessed to take in 1994.  The lessons contained within are as true as ever, and I hope they are a blessing to you as they remain to me! We live in a world of wonders.  We live in a world of jewels. ...