
Introducing the Coracle Community… Join Us!

Introducing the Coracle Community… Join Us!

Alone, none of us will follow Jesus the way we most want to.  And community forms us more deeply than most things.  And small groups of Christians can do a lot more together for others.  For all these reasons and more, I’m delighted to announce the formation of the...
New Year, New View

New Year, New View

2020 is now well under way.  Whether you made resolutions or not, the language of starting over and afresh surrounds us immediately following Christmas and well into the first months of the new year.  Come January 1, we are bombarded with messages about becoming new...
Travel with Coracle in 2020

Travel with Coracle in 2020

There are well-known slogans like “Explore More” or “Never Stop Exploring” with mass marketing appeal that reflect a well-documented trend towards exploration and travel as a modern-day virtue in American culture. More and more, people are leaving behind the comfort...
Why Coracle Takes Stories Seriously

Why Coracle Takes Stories Seriously

At Coracle, we aim “to inspire and enable people to be the presence of God in the brokenness of the world through Spiritual Formation for Kingdom Action.” With that mission clearly stated, it is fair to wonder why we would choose to gather once a month to discuss a...
Deliverer, Delivered

Deliverer, Delivered

“While they were there, the time came for the baby to be born, and she gave birth to her firstborn, a son.”  Luke 2:6 (NIV)   In an unknown town, a week’s distance from the womanly wisdom of mother, sisters, aunts, it began.  Plodding heavily beside...
Upcoming in 2020: Journey with Us!

Upcoming in 2020: Journey with Us!

Friends, there are some very exciting things coming up in 2020, and I really hope you’ll join in some of it.  I can promise you adventure, God, heartache, joy, depth, wonder, and watching God do stuff in you, around you, and through you.   Here are some highlights...
Joseph Speaks

Joseph Speaks

She insisted on seeing me face-to-face, unveiled, defying all custom for the betrothed to remain apart until the wedding feast. I watched her eyes rain when she saw doubt and pain in mine. They said it was a good match: me from David’s royal line, she connected to...
Eucharist Song

Eucharist Song

Poem and Reflection by Julie Harrison Eastwood Coracle Fellow, Class of 2019 Eucharist Song Prepare the fields lay them open and ready to receive graft and seed to be baptized with rain with tears as we wait in the hospitable silence Sing with the fields greening in...