
Category: Contemplative Life

“For the Beauty of the Earth”

“For the Beauty of the Earth”

In this “Space for God: Beauty” devotional, Drew Masterson (Coracle Dir. of Comms & Development) draws us into an immersive encounter with the classic hymn, “For the Beauty of the Earth.”  By walking through a few different musical...
Introduction to the Prayer of Examen

Introduction to the Prayer of Examen

It is not controversial to say that we live in a distracted age.  During the time it took to settle in and start to collect my thoughts for this reflection: my phone buzzed with a friend’s text sharing a podcast he liked (I responded instinctively), a banner...
A New Parent’s Bleary-Eyed Prayer

A New Parent’s Bleary-Eyed Prayer

Back on September 9th, my wife and I had the joy of welcoming the newest member of our family and the Coracle team into the world: Owen Kennedy Masterson. We were exceedingly blessed by a safe delivery, and our first month with our son has been marked with awe,...
Prayer & The Imagination

Prayer & The Imagination

In this Soundings Seminar, Rev. Bill Haley (Coracle Executive Director) talks with Amy Boucher Pye (Author and Spiritual Director) about her new book 7 Ways to Pray: Time-Tested Practices for Encountering God.  Through their conversation, they offer us ways to...
“Beauty as Battle Plan” with Lori Smith

“Beauty as Battle Plan” with Lori Smith

In this “Space for God: Beauty” devotional, Lori Smith (author and teacher) shares how she came to better appreciate the beauty of the Lord’s creation after taking up watercolor during a season of extended suffering from Lyme disease.  She came to...
“Brokenness as a Mirror”

“Brokenness as a Mirror”

In this “Space for God” devotional, Ken Wettig (Coracle Community Minister to the Shenandoah Valley) shares the story of renowned theologian and peacemaker Alexander Papaderos. Ken invites us to let Papaderos’ story inspire us to recognize those...
Practicing Your Belovedness

Practicing Your Belovedness

One of the best books I read last year was Dane Ortlund’s Gentle and Lowly: The Heart of Christ for Sinners & Sufferers.  It was a thoughtful gift from a friend during a season of personal mourning, and as I was winding slowly through the story of God’s love...
John 15 with Marissa Salgado

John 15 with Marissa Salgado

In this “Space for God: BIBLE” devotional, Marissa Salgado (Programs Director at Casa Chirilagua) opens up John 15 to us.  She explores the deep truths contained in the image of Jesus as the vine and us as the branches, and guides us through a moving...