
Met by God at Corhaven

Met by God at Corhaven

By: Laren Butler Corhaven Summer Intern – 2018 At the end of spending last summer as the intern at Corhaven, I sat down to write some reflections on my time. Some of them follow. At the beginning of the summer, I wrote out a list of different things that I...

SOUNDINGS – The ‘Mini’ Tikkun Olam

“Tikkun Olam” is I think one of the most powerful phrases on the planet.  It’s Hebrew and of the Jewish tradition, and captures the vocation of post-Fall woman and man.  It simply means “repair of the world”.   Embedded in Tikkun Olam are the assertions that...
A Poem for Epiphany

A Poem for Epiphany

O God, who am I now? Once, I was secure in familiar territory in my sense of belonging unquestioning of  the norms of my culture the assumptions built into my language the values shared by my society. But now you have called me out and away from home and I do not know...

A World of Silent Night

By: John Gardner Many people know the story of how Franz Gruber, an organist in Oberndorf, Austria, whose organ was broken, hurriedly composed the melody for “Silent Night” for guitar on Christmas Eve, 1818 – two hundred years ago today.  The bicentennial has gone...

Falling in Love with Jesus (How to, or Again)

“Oh Lord, please light the fire / That once burned bright and clear. Replace the lamp of my first love / That burns with holy fear.”    -Keith Green I’m really excited about a new retreat we’re offering at Corhaven on Saturday, February 23.  Jesus is so great that...

SOUNDINGS – Deep Longing, Deeper Hope

Advent–always a wonderful, and strange, season.   It’s wonderful because it gives the opportunity once again to recall the long wait of the people of God for their Savior, and the promises punctuating centuries of waiting throughout the Old Testament that would find...

Advent and the Upside Down Kingdom

“In that day the wolf and the lamb will live together; the leopard will lie down with the baby goat. The calf and the yearling will be safe with the lion, and a little child will lead them all.” Isaiah 11:6 By: Margot Eyring, Spiritual Director with Coracle When Jesus...
The Day After Thanksgiving

The Day After Thanksgiving

“O Lord my God, I will give thanks to you forever!”  Ps. 30.12 Of course we all go through challenging seasons, and seasons when we might feel a little depressed, or things aren’t turning out quite the way we thought or not at all the way we hoped or wanted. It’s too...

SOUNDINGS – Seeing What Was Hidden

I’d been on that roof top many times in Kathmandu, and never seen it.  But when last there and our group was taking the Eucharist on that same roof top deck, one of our members suddenly exclaimed, “Look!  There’s a Himalaya!”  And indeed there it was, one mighty...
Advent : The Beauty of Holy Anticipation

Advent : The Beauty of Holy Anticipation

As I look out my window at the multi-colored display of foliage, I find myself thanking God again for the gift of seasons, each with its own distinctive mood and beauty. Each leaf is a declaration of the mind and heart of God who envisioned creating a world full of...

The Feast of All Saints

“… to those sanctified in Christ Jesus, called to be saints together with all those who in every place call upon the name of our Lord Jesus Christ” 1 Corinthians 1:2 Today, November 1, is the Feast of All Saints. Recognition, veneration, and prayer...
We’re back from Nepal!

We’re back from Nepal!

Well friends, we’ve returned safely from our mission pilgrimage to Nepal.  And what a trip it was! The Lord guided us, protected us, granted us special opportunities, magnificent vistas, and revealed himself in many unexpected places.  Our second trip to Nepal...