
Category: Liturgical Seasons

Deliverer, Delivered

Deliverer, Delivered

“While they were there, the time came for the baby to be born, and she gave birth to her firstborn, a son.”  Luke 2:6 (NIV)   In an unknown town, a week’s distance from the womanly wisdom of mother, sisters, aunts, it began.  Plodding heavily beside...
Joseph Speaks

Joseph Speaks

She insisted on seeing me face-to-face, unveiled, defying all custom for the betrothed to remain apart until the wedding feast. I watched her eyes rain when she saw doubt and pain in mine. They said it was a good match: me from David’s royal line, she connected to...

Advent Resources

Here’s a list of Advent resources, curated with love, that we hope will help you prepare well for Christmas this year. An innovative and beautiful online Advent Calendar utilizing Visio Divina, Biola University’s Advent Project, leads you through visual...
The First of the Seven Last Words

The First of the Seven Last Words

(I offered these reflections today at The Falls Church Anglican) This Good Friday, we remember the seven last words of Jesus from the cross.  Seven last gasps.  The Apostle John said of Jesus that if a person tried to write down all the things he did and said, the...
A Poem for Epiphany

A Poem for Epiphany

O God, who am I now? Once, I was secure in familiar territory in my sense of belonging unquestioning of  the norms of my culture the assumptions built into my language the values shared by my society. But now you have called me out and away from home and I do not know...

SOUNDINGS – Deep Longing, Deeper Hope

Advent–always a wonderful, and strange, season.   It’s wonderful because it gives the opportunity once again to recall the long wait of the people of God for their Savior, and the promises punctuating centuries of waiting throughout the Old Testament that would find...

Advent and the Upside Down Kingdom

“In that day the wolf and the lamb will live together; the leopard will lie down with the baby goat. The calf and the yearling will be safe with the lion, and a little child will lead them all.” Isaiah 11:6 By: Margot Eyring, Spiritual Director with Coracle When Jesus...
Advent : The Beauty of Holy Anticipation

Advent : The Beauty of Holy Anticipation

As I look out my window at the multi-colored display of foliage, I find myself thanking God again for the gift of seasons, each with its own distinctive mood and beauty. Each leaf is a declaration of the mind and heart of God who envisioned creating a world full of...
Abide in My Love

Abide in My Love

As the Father has loved me, so I have loved you.  Abide in my love. – John 15:9 As we move into Lent next Wednesday, here are some thoughts that are helpful to keep firmly in mind and heart. When you’re going to truly consider and climb down into the depth of...
Lent Resources

Lent Resources

As we approach the season of Lent one week from today, please see this printable PDF that we put together of some resources we really like. We want to particularly point you toward An American Lent, an online tool which we helped develop to dive into this season of...