by Bill Haley | Oct 26, 2018 | Contemplative Life
Some authors are worth coming back to again and again. Dallas Willard is one of those for me. Dallas will, for a profound lack of a better phrase, rock your world, if you do the hard work to understand what he’s getting at! His thoughts and contributions are like...
by Coracle | Oct 6, 2018 | Contemplative Life, Creation
For more pictures: follow @commongoodthing on Instagram. Last week I had the opportunity to visit one of the oldest letterpress print shops in the country. I knew the company well, but that knowledge hardly compared to the experience of standing on the production...
by Coracle | Sep 24, 2018 | Contemplative Life, Spiritual Direction
by Margot Eyring I was reminded this week of a story that has helped me understand some of the ways the Spirit brings insight and discernment. Each aspect of this unfolding story involves an important lesson on recognizing the presence of Jesus, but in this story, no...
by Coracle | Sep 20, 2018 | Contemplative Life, Coracle News
The Coracle Fellows Application for 2019 is now available. This is an invitation – an invitation into a deeper relationship with Christ and others, and (warning!) an invitation that may stir up the waters of your life. This is an invitation to change. It’s...
by Coracle | Sep 2, 2018 | Contemplative Life
by Ann Bodling Coracle Spiritual Director A couple of weeks ago, a friend asked me what my spiritual practices have been lately. I was caught off guard and mumbled something about reading and contemplative prayer but, at the same time, I felt like I was forgetting...
by Coracle | Aug 31, 2018 | Contemplative Life, Spiritual Direction
Dear Friends, Two years ago, with the help of an amazing team, the Coracle Community-Baltimore started. Perhaps now more than ever, God is drawing together community in Baltimore around the motto of Spiritual Formation for Kingdom Action. Our oft-used image is that of...
by Rick Mastroianni | Jul 9, 2018 | Contemplative Life, Creation
On June 30, Kit and Greg Elmer hosted a creation retreat for some nature-starved urban pilgrims. I was seeking refuge from my fast-paced electronic, mechanical and artificial world. The Elmer’s home has a backyard gate that’s like Professor Kirke’s wardrobe...
by Bill Haley | Jun 22, 2018 | Contemplative Life
In Jesus’ life, he had many conversations with his Father in prayer. At times, we know Jesus’ side of the conversation, what he said. But we don’t have many accounts of what God the Father said to God the Son. There are three times God the Father spoke in audible...
by Coracle | May 22, 2018 | Contemplative Life, Spiritual Direction
Heather Strube, Coracle Spiritual Director in Baltimore, MD, on what spiritual direction means and why it’s important. As I have discerned whether or not to walk forward with formalized training [in spiritual direction], I have had to answer this question...
by Coracle | May 18, 2018 | Contemplative Life, Spiritual Direction
By: Lynnette Hughes Coracle Fellow ’17 and Coracle Spiritual Director 20 years ago I read Susan Howatch’s Starbridge Series of novels, describing the history of the Church of England in the 20th century, in which one of the main characters is a dynamic priest in...
by Karla Petty | May 4, 2018 | Contemplative Life, Creation
“A cold spring: the violet was flawed on the lawn. For two weeks or more the trees hesitated; the little leaves waited, carefully indicating their characteristics. Finally a grave green dust settled over your big and aimless hills… The infant oak-leaves swung through...
by Coracle | Apr 27, 2018 | Church Unity, Contemplative Life, Liturgical Seasons
By: Kate Kennedy, Coracle Fellow ’18 In talking matters of faith, I’m inevitably asked the question, “so what’s your denomination?” My reaction is always the same. I grin and say, “well, the easiest way to describe myself is with two words –...
by Coracle | Apr 24, 2018 | Contemplative Life
By: Judith James “ ‘Let NOT the wise man glory in his wisdom; let not the mighty man glory in his might, Nor let the rich man glory in his riches; But let him who glories glory in this, that he understands and knows Me, That I am the Lord, exercising...
by Scott Buresh | Apr 17, 2018 | Contemplative Life
I am eternally grateful to Dallas Willard for gently and patiently opening my eyes to the reality of the kingdom of God in and around me right here, right now. Like many Christians I had come to experience relating to God as someone who loved me dearly, dearly enough...
by Coracle | Apr 6, 2018 | Contemplative Life, Liturgical Seasons
By: John Gardner The role of Pilate has always been among the most confusing aspects for me in the story of the Passion of Christ. Why does this figure play such an important role in the story? Why was it necessary to narrate Pilate’s conversations with Jesus and...
by Karla Petty | Apr 2, 2018 | Contemplative Life, For the World
One of the primary features of living Christianity as Christ has called us to live it is being a part of community. Whatever Myers-Briggs personality type you are, or where you fall on the introvert-extrovert spectrum, there is no getting around the fact that Christ...
by Scott Buresh | Mar 31, 2018 | Contemplative Life, For the World
What a sweet and tender Lenten season for many of us here in Baltimore who have been journeying together with George Hopkins and the Repentance Project. We have encountered great darkness and brokenness in our past with tentacles that reach into the present. We opened...
by Bill Haley | Mar 30, 2018 | Contemplative Life, Spiritual Direction
The power of God was shown most clearly at the resurrection of Jesus. God defeated death. The love of God was shown most clearly on the cross of Christ. God poured out his life for us. And Jesus said, “Just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another” (John...
by Coracle | Mar 17, 2018 | Contemplative Life, Liturgical Seasons
Printable PDF of this prayer can be found here: St. Patrick’s Breastplate I bind unto myself today The strong name of the Trinity: By invocation of the same, The Three in One and One in Three. I bind this day to me for ever By...
by Wade Ballou | Mar 15, 2018 | Contemplative Life, Liturgical Seasons
The season of Lent often coincides with tax season and these days we can find ourselves sorting through receipts and bank statements taking stock of our year financially, as well as taking stock of our interior lives. Any examination connected to federal income taxes...