
Author: Coracle

Easter Monday Devotion

EASTER MONDAY, 2016 by John S. Gardner The first Lent and first Easter since my parents’ deaths has been a time for reflection, a time of necessary busyness, welcome return to work, and sometimes enforced rest (“I am become like one who has no strength,” Ps. 88:4), a...

A Song for Good Friday

Many of us know this traditional African-American spiritual, passed down for many generations since the 19th century. First printed in 1899, it was the first spiritual to be published in a major American hymnal (1940 in the Episcopal Church hymnal). We invite you to...
Loving the Body God Gave You

Loving the Body God Gave You

Join us on April 16th for a retreat led by Margot Eyring, Spiritual Director with Coracle, and Faith Evans, a pastor in Harrisonburg, VA.  See the details about the retreat and more information about the leaders in the flyer below and click anywhere on it for a link...

Palm Sunday Poem

We’re borrowing from G.K. Chesterton and posting a poem told from the perspective of the animal on which Jesus entered Jerusalem.  Welcome to Holy Week everyone! The Donkey BY G. K. CHESTERTON When fishes flew and forests walked    And figs grew upon thorn, Some...

Deepening Prayer Retreat – April 2

The word “contemplative” can seem incongruous in our lightning-fast world, sounding painstakingly slow, or even archaic. For many, life is about results, and the results that count are tangible, quantifiable ones. Prayer doesn’t always produce those,...

A Letter from God

Our friend Jay Jakub found this awhile back and was kind enough to pass it on. How encouraging! How true! My Child, You may not know me, but I know everything about you. Psalm 139:1 I know when you sit down and when you rise up. Psalm 139:2 I am familiar with all your...

A Prayer to Open Lent

This is one of my all-time favorite poems and prayers, from a man well-acquainted with God, and with sin.  Regarding sin, who cannot agree with his refrain, “I have more”. Yet it ends in hope and freedom from fear, which is precisely the destination of journey of Lent...

Church Partnerships with Coracle

Serving the Body of Christ and Building the Kingdom of God…Together Coracle exists “to inspire and enable people to be the presence of God in the world by offering spiritual formation and Kingdom action.”  We want to help more people say “Yes” to the amazing...

For the Rev. Martin Luther King, Sing…

This song was written by Bono in late 1983 as he was pondering both the non-violent and the violent sides of the US Civil Rights movement. A tribute to Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., this particular version seems the most appropriate to share today.  The words speak of...

Looking Back, Looking Forward, Looking to You

As 2015 draws rapidly to a close and the new liturgical year is newly upon us, we gratefully look back at an astounding year, hopefully look forward at what God has for us in 2016, and humbly look to you, our faithful friends and supporters to continue partnering with...

Why I Went to Israel and Palestine

The following post was originally posted on here by Yonce Shelton (Spiritual Director with Coracle). In February, I joined 13 others on a pilgrimage to Israel and Palestine led by the Telos Group, which seeks to change how American Christians understand conflict in...

Year-End Overview

Thanks be to God, 2015 for Coracle has been a year of unprecedented growth and full of unexpected invitations into new areas.  As we draw closer to the end of this year, check out our 2015 overview for a brief summary of what’s been happening, and look forward...