
Tag: Bill Haley

Making Next Year Happen This Year

Dear friends and fellow-pilgrims, I’m genuinely excited to ask for your help to enable Coracle to grow in the coming year, but you’ll have to wait til the bottom of this letter for the details about that. There is just so much really good stuff to share first! After...
God Loves You… No, Really!

God Loves You… No, Really!

Recently, I had another all too familiar conversation with a man preparing for a retreat at Corhaven. He said, “Even though I’ve been a Christian for many years and heard a hundred sermons on this, I have a hard time accepting God’s love for me. If I had to climb 10...
Blogging Burma and Southeast Asia

Blogging Burma and Southeast Asia

Dear friends and fellow-pilgrims…In a week’s time, I’ll be traveling to Burma and Singapore, and writing about it on our blog, and I hope you’ll come along for the journey!  Following the pattern of mission reports from Congo and South Sudan, and Israel and...
A Theology of Vocation and Spiritual Formation

A Theology of Vocation and Spiritual Formation

The following is the edited transcription of a talk given to participants of The Washington Institute’s “Come and See” Vocation Conference July 16-17, 2013 in Washington, DC. Jesus came into the deep mess—the mess of the human experience.  Of course,...
“Eldon Speaks!”

“Eldon Speaks!”

Eldon Stoffell has been a great friend to us for many years now, and a great blessing to Corhaven.  Here he’s interviewed by The Washington Institute about his vocation as a painter, but even more so his vocation as a follower of Jesus.  And there are some...
“Field to Fork” – A Great Day!

“Field to Fork” – A Great Day!

Once again, the recent spring Field to Fork meal was remarkable, a feast for all the senses. Every time people come to Corhaven for an event, I feel a sense of relief.  Finally I can meet the people I have been contacting for some time, and everyone has such an easy...

Praise God!! Fifteen Years Later…

In 1997, some old friends and those who would become old friends hosted the Emerging Urban Leaders Summit in Washington DC, with the help of Re:generation Quarterly, The Falls Church, and Leadership Network.  We wanted to name and capitalize on the fact that God was...


At this point in a conference like this on justice, it’s already overwhelming.  It’s quick and easy to feel like there’s so much to do, and so much I’m not doing, even when I’m already trying to do as much as I know to do.  What to do with these longings, these...

A Marathon vs. A Sprint

The long, tedious work of love in the ordinary is what the work of justice most needs.  So said another old friend, Gary Haugen, who spoke this morning.  His talk opened by reflecting on the problem that remains:  27 million people in slavery…more than New York,...

Being Just vs. Doing Justice

This conference is impressive, and so heartening (more on that later).  But some thoughts on the opening plenary session.  A note about scope:  several thousand people in the Philadelphia Convention Center (the majority quite on the younger side) from around the...

What Is Justice, Anyway?

If I had a dollar for every time I’ve heard the word ‘justice’ already, well… The effect of so much attention on one topic from so many different angles can hurt the head, and it makes me ask, “OK, now just what are we talking about again?  And just what is...

Creation Care as an Act of Justice

Corhaven is a 17 acre slice of earth, given to our community to steward well for the purposes of God which includes stewarding well the land itself.  Peter Harris is the founder and international director of A Rocha (their motto “Christians in Conservation”), a well...

How To Sustain a Justice Movement

Thoughts from a break-out session by Paul Metzger on Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Mother Teresa, and John Perkins Believe in a suffering God Believe in a resurrected God See Jesus in relation to the poor Sense your own poverty in relation to the poor Lay down your life for...

Done Watching : Do It

At a smaller breakfast this morning sponsored by World Relief, Lynne Hybels shared her story of her own transformation.  In her words, if you’d told her ten years ago she’d be deep in the work of working for peace in Israel/Palestine and offering hope to the women of...

Good News About Justice

Coracle · The Blessing of Pursuing Justice Just over one year over a year ago, The Falls Church Anglican did a four-week sermon series on justice.  Kicking it off with the sermon above, I reflected on the Christian’s privilege of being able to work for justice, and...
Blogging Justice…and why

Blogging Justice…and why

Dear friends, I’m going to be quick to the point, and then make a bigger point.   The point:  This Thursday night through Saturday I’m going to be participating in The Justice Conference in Philadelphia with World Relief, to be with a few dear dear friends...