
SOUNDINGS: Your “Crux Move”

SOUNDINGS: Your “Crux Move”

A few summers ago while vacationing in the High Country of North Carolina, my family found ourselves at a gym devoted to rock climbing, with high-pitched walls and many multi-colored hand and foot holds molded and screwed to the walls in a variety of patterns. ...
To Die is to Become Fully Alive

To Die is to Become Fully Alive

by PJ Whittington “I would rather die for Jesus Christ than rule the last reaches of the earth.  My search is for Him who died for us; my love is for Him who rose for our salvation.  The pangs of new birth are upon me.  Forgive me, brethren.  Do nothing to prevent...
Juneteenth 2021 Commemoration & Celebration

Juneteenth 2021 Commemoration & Celebration

On June 19th, 2021, Coracle hosted our 5th annual Juneteenth Commemoration & Celebration, broadcast from the Corhaven Graveyard.  This special online service wove together the themes of Honesty, Solidarity & Hope-in-Action, and it was a very impactful time.The...
“The Meaning of Pilgrimage”

“The Meaning of Pilgrimage”

In this “Space for God” devotional, Sarah Kohrs (Dir. of Corhaven Graveyard) guides us through the key themes of a spiritual pilgrimage, filtered through her family’s recent pilgrimage to Native American reservations in the Southwest United...
The Recipe for True Retreat

The Recipe for True Retreat

In May 2021, we were thrilled to help Kayla Allen and MaryJo Peak host “The Retreat at Swift Run Farm,” which started with a desire to create a beautiful experience around the table that would nourish women through storytelling and delicious food.  After...
SOUNDINGS: “Shine in the Darkness”

SOUNDINGS: “Shine in the Darkness”

“…so that you may be blameless and innocent, children of God without blemish in the midst of a crooked and twisted generation, among whom you shine as lights in the world”  Philippians 2.15   Paul speaks of “a crooked and twisted generation.”   I wonder,...
COVID & The Church in Nepal: The Second Wave

COVID & The Church in Nepal: The Second Wave

The leader of the Anglican Church in Nepal recently sent out this letter to the Anglican Relief and Development Fund (for which Rev. Bill Haley is Chairman of the Board).  You’ll see below both that the situation is very dire, and that God is at work in powerful...
“Christ Be With Me”

“Christ Be With Me”

In this “Space for God” devotional, Rev. Bill Haley (Coracle Executive Director) guides us through a time of music, scripture, and silence oriented around St. Patrick’s famous “Breastplate Prayer.”  Whatever burdens you happen to be...
“Broken Beauty”

“Broken Beauty”

In this “Space for God: Beauty” devotional, Barbara Ryan (Coracle Associate) reflects on the deep reality of how beauty interacts with brokenness. She helps us all encounter God’s infinite power and desire to redeem and transform brokenness into...