
Author: Ken Wettig

Ashes & Stories

“We honor our parents by not accepting as the final equation the most troubling characteristics of our relationship. In analysis, you work to turn the ghosts that haunt you into ancestors who accompany you. That takes hard work and a lot of love, but it’s the...
A New Chapter in the Valley

A New Chapter in the Valley

Without a few harrowing twists and turns, stories can quickly lose any sense of plot, on the other hand without an ultimate redemptive conclusion, it doesn’t much seem like a story at all. Over the last decade of life I have come to embrace a conviction, which I...
“Beauty in the Ordinary”

“Beauty in the Ordinary”

In this “Space for God: Beauty,” Ken Wettig (Coracle Community Minister to the Shenandoah Valley) guides us into a reflection on the beauty that exists all around us if we have eyes to see it.  He frames his session around the story of the Prodigal Son,...
“Letting Wisdom Guide Us”

“Letting Wisdom Guide Us”

In this “Space for God,” Ken Wettig (Coracle Community Minister for the Shenandoah Valley) directs our attention to wisdom and its role in discernment. Drawing from Scripture, life, and George MacDonald, Ken guides us into an enriching time of reflection...
Hope, In God’s Story

Hope, In God’s Story

In this “Space for God,” Ken Wettig (Coracle Community Minister) guides us through a reflection on the interplay between our hope and the story God is telling throughout the whole cosmos. Weaving together Scripture, Prayer, Tolkien, and music, Ken offers a...
“Discernment Amidst Distraction”

“Discernment Amidst Distraction”

In this “Space for God,” Ken Wettig (Coracle Community Minister) guides us through a reflection inviting us to think wisely and redemptively about the various ways in which we interact with technology on a daily basis. He helps us cultivate a reflective...
Above the Cries of the Crowd

Above the Cries of the Crowd

Did Jesus “hear God” during his last days on Earth?  There are only two times in the synoptic Gospels when the audible voice of God is heard and recorded—Jesus’ Baptism and the Mount of Transfiguration.  It is worth noting that both times the Father’s voice says...
“Brokenness as a Mirror”

“Brokenness as a Mirror”

In this “Space for God” devotional, Ken Wettig (Coracle Community Minister to the Shenandoah Valley) shares the story of renowned theologian and peacemaker Alexander Papaderos. Ken invites us to let Papaderos’ story inspire us to recognize those...
Immersion Prayer

Immersion Prayer

In this “Space for God” devotional, Rev. Ken Wettig (Coracle Community Minister for the Shenandoah Valley) guides us through a powerful, imaginative encounter with the baptism of Jesus and how that event can serve as an anchor to us in hard times.  How...