
“The God I Don’t Understand”

“The God I Don’t Understand”

In this “Space for God: BIBLE,” Rev. Chris Lugo reminds us how frequently in Scripture we meet someone asking a question we all ask at different points in our lives, “God, what are you doing?”  The Psalms, in particular, are full of pointed...
Becoming People of Repair

Becoming People of Repair

“What should we do when we realize that the forms of Christianity we inherited are either insufficient for—or opposed to—the Christian mission to which we are called?” Coracle’s partners at the Center for Formation, Justice, and Peace are exploring in depth a central...
SOUNDINGS: Soul and Brain Food from Sabbatical

SOUNDINGS: Soul and Brain Food from Sabbatical

“SOUNDINGS” posts consider topics that are important for our society, for the Church, and for our own spiritual journeys.  To ‘take a sounding’ is a nautical term about using depth to determine where you are and where you’re going.  These writings are designed to do...
“Art Break: Titian” with Jan Haugen

“Art Break: Titian” with Jan Haugen

In this “Space for God: Beauty” devotional, we welcome back Jan Haugen (Smithsonian National Gallery) for another “Art Break”—this time looking at a 16th Century Italian painting by Titian.  Jan guides us into the beauty and subtlety of the portrait of 12-yr-old...
Sabbatical Ends, A New Season Begins

Sabbatical Ends, A New Season Begins

“You look around, and you see a world that is impenetrable, that cannot be made sense of.  You either raise your fist or say ‘Hallelujah’…I try to do both.”   Leonard Cohen I am back from Sabbatical.  It was wonderful, restful, beauty-full, and...
The Love that is God: A Reflection

The Love that is God: A Reflection

In his July 5th letter while on sabbatical, Bill mentioned a book, The Love That is God: An Invitation to Christian Faith by Frederick Christian Bauerschmidt.  I picked it up and found myself drawn not only by Bauerschmidt’s insight but also by his giving words to...
“The Heart of Spiritual Formation”

“The Heart of Spiritual Formation”

In this “Space for God: BIBLE” devotional, Rev. Chris Lugo (Coracle Community Minister) guides us down to the biblical foundation of spiritual formation—Deuteronomy 6.  Known traditionally as the “shema,” this powerful invitation to worship God...

Joining Coracle on the Journey

As we enter the third week of Coracle’s mid-year campaign, I want to thank everyone who has supported Coracle through your prayers and with your financial gifts! Both of these are instrumental in sustaining Coracle as we together pursue the mission of Spiritual...
Grateful. Expectant. Excited.

Grateful. Expectant. Excited.

Grateful. Expectant. Excited. These words characterize the atmosphere throughout Coracle as we’ve reached the midway point of 2023. We feel like a team, well led and well prepared by the Lord for what is next. I’m eager to tell you a bit more about that. Grateful. We...
News from Bill on Sabbatical

News from Bill on Sabbatical

Dear Friends and Fellow Pilgrims, It is a great grace to be writing to you from a place of deep rest and wonder in the middle of sabbatical!  I’m writing with a brief update on the time thus far and also with great thanksgiving.  Yes, thank you for your prayers for me...
The Reality of Humanity (Rom 3:10-21)

The Reality of Humanity (Rom 3:10-21)

In this “Space for God: Bible” reflection, Rev. Chris Lugo (Coracle Community Minister) guides us gently but steadfastly into an encounter with our sin and our need for salvation. He unpacks Paul’s teaching on our universal brokenness in Romans 3 and...