
“The Lamb is My Shepherd” a Poem

“The Lamb is My Shepherd” a Poem

A reflection on the fullness of Jesus as our Good Shepherd in light of  Psalm 23, John 10:1-18 , Rev. 5, and Rev. 7:17. “The Lamb is My Shepherd”The Slain-Lamb Lord is also my Good Shepherd.  What more could I want?He makes me rest in his green grass of...
SOUNDINGS: “Being Honest to God”

SOUNDINGS: “Being Honest to God”

This reflection is part of our 2022 “Doubt, Deconstruction & Redemption” Series.  You can read my original piece laying out why it is fitting for Coracle to pick up this conversation at this moment HERE.  If you are on a deconstruction journey or caring for...
Defining “Deconstruction”

Defining “Deconstruction”

This reflection is part of our 2022 “Doubt, Deconstruction & Redemption” Series.  If you are on a deconstruction journey or caring for someone who is, we hope these spaces, programs, and resources will be a blessing! “To ask hard questions about whether the...
A Tool for Discernment

A Tool for Discernment

In this “Space for God,” Rev. Bill Haley shares an illustration he developed over years of ministry to help Christians visualize the different dimensions of discerning God’s voice. The tool is called “The Discernment Daisy,” and we hope...
SOUNDINGS: “Learning to Hear God”

SOUNDINGS: “Learning to Hear God”

This reflection is part of our “Discernment: Hearing God in a Noisy World” Series.  Discerning God’s unique voice is one of the most important skills for a Christian and is absolutely crucial for our intimacy with God and our ability to follow him. ...
“Discernment: Hearing God in a Noisy World”

“Discernment: Hearing God in a Noisy World”

Simply put, discerning God’s unique voice is one of the most important skills for a Christian and is absolutely crucial for our intimacy with God and our ability to follow him.  And, in many ways, our world is engineered to prevent us from cultivating the skill of...
“Doubt, Deconstruction & Redemption”

“Doubt, Deconstruction & Redemption”

Coracle has always sought to offer care, companionship, and resources to those wrestling with their faith.  Because of this long commitment, we felt led to enter the unfolding conversation around “deconstruction” by offering programs, conversations, and...
“You Are What You Contemplate”

“You Are What You Contemplate”

In this “Space for God” devotional, Drew Masterson (Coracle Dir. of Comms & Development) guides us into a profound insight shared by artists, neuroscientists, and the Apostle Paul: our lives are profoundly shaped by the things to which we pay...
The Beauty of Faith in the Desert

The Beauty of Faith in the Desert

“It is no longer I who live, but it is Christ who lives in me. And the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.”Galatians 2:20 “A man prayed, and at first he thought that prayer was talking.  But...