
Category: Contemplative Life

A Transforming Internship

When Bill asked me to write about my experience as an intern this summer, I felt overwhelmed. How could I begin to put into words the gift that was my ten weeks at Corhaven? I can’t. However, I can tell you one thing and that is this: my internship at Corhaven...

I Shall Emerge Someday

I Shall Emerge Someday by Bill Haley I shall emerge someday a nugget of gold though covered with clay I shall emerge someday mud made to gold though covered with clay Rising from the pit gold though covered with clay I shall emerge someday Some will see clay, some...

Our Deepest Essence…a double entendre

Since the first centuries of the Christian church until now, across the Catholic, Orthodox, and Protestant spectrum, noteworthy leaders have made the same assertion, and it is a bold one. In the 2nd century, St. Irenaeus said it: ‘Through his transcendent love, our...


Thrust by Bill Haley Trust in God’s goodness, Faith in his power; These are the weapons To get through this hour. These the tools, These the bedrock Diving in an ocean of love A heaven of love Without words, without knowledge Naked intent Desire full bore Undone and...

The Heart of our Spiritual Journey

by Kit Elmer God has had me on a journey of desire. He reminded me recently of the story of Bartimaeus. He is a blind man begging along the streets of Jericho.  When Jesus comes along  he shouts “Jesus son of David have mercy on me!” Everyone is telling him to be...

Present, Speak Today

Present, Speak Today by Bill Haley Present, speak today It matters not the voice A kiss from the salt sea spray A pleasant wind’s embrace Long listening of a trusted friend Soft strong words said clear It matters not how you send But, you, speak So I can...

Eucharist *

Eucharist* by Bill Haley The new day breaks with golden hue and sunlight fills the room, with promise and peace and promises of peace, three coming inconsistently while they wrestle with a season’s gloom. But still they come, a warrior trinity to fight fiends and...
Tragedy and Grief

Tragedy and Grief

There is nothing that can replace the absence of someone dear to us, and one should not even attempt to do so. One must simply hold out and endure it. At first that sounds very hard, but at the same time it is also a great comfort. For to the extent the emptiness...


Skye by Bill Haley Skye crouched in the corner like a coiled spring, his little balled up body so small it was almost hidden despite no solid thing to cover or shield him. The walls on either side gave no inch though he tried to pinch more tightly in, not yet having...

Matthew 14

Matthew 14 by Bill Haley Your face is hidden by the water wall While howling wind drowns the echoes of the call “Come.” I came to follow, not to fall Yet sink I do! Why bid Then hide in the hour I most need You? “After seeing, do you not see? Is...

A Divine Love Song

A Divine Love Song by Bill Haley  In the dark of night, You are with me In the breaking dawn, You are with me In the violent story, You are with me In the brightest sun, I love You I see You in the trees I see You in the stream I feel You in the morning breeze And I...

Sleepers, Awake!

Sleepers, Awake! by Bill Haley Sometimes I don’t want to sleep, Because it’s all too wonderful. I sit and ponder nothing And everything at once. I hold my longings unlisted with an open heart And trust the Brooding One, who is here To hear And prod me when my eyelids...

Gabriel’s Next Vocation

In early August, I accepted a full time position as Pastor of Youth and Young Families at Montezuma Church of the Brethren in Dayton, VA.  Beginning on September 15 I will be working full time at the church, and will be part time at school finishing my MDiV.  This is...
This Summer I Prayed the Examen

This Summer I Prayed the Examen

Here is a post by a friend of ours about a reflective prayer practice called the Examen Prayer.  It is a powerful way to recognize God in our everyday activities. This Summer I Prayed the Examen by Abby Deatherage This summer, by happenstance and friends-of-friends...

Speaking Life Aloud

Sensory clutter surrounds us.  Extremely sensitive to it, I’ve used toilet paper from public rest rooms to plug my ears in school hallways, coffee shops, and grocery stores.  Why is so much “nothing” available, and why at such loud volumes, in such bright colors?  And...