
Author: Scott Buresh

“Secure Attachment with God”

“Secure Attachment with God”

In this “Space for God,” Scott Buresh (Coracle’s Community Minister to Baltimore) guides us through the practice of Immanuel Journaling, a process developed by Life Model Works, a team working to draw together the best of neuroscience and Christian spirituality....

The Gift of Pilgrimage

Pilgrimage is a centuries-old gift that Coracle embraces and fosters.  One of the gifts of ministering with Coracle is the freedom I have to partner with others in pursuing God in the company of others.  In 2019 I experienced the richness of the Virginia Slavery...
Praying with St. Brendan

Praying with St. Brendan

In this “Space for God” devotional, Dr. Scott Buresh (Coracle’s Baltimore Community Minister) guides us through a short visio divina exercise using a painting of the Celtic Saint Brendan the Navigator.  He also weaves in the biblical story of Jesus...
Transforming Love and Lent

Transforming Love and Lent

By: Scott Buresh, Coracle Spiritual Director Lent is a sweet anticipated season for me.  Each year, I remember the image of coming home to the warm embrace of the Prodigal Father, eagerly awaiting my return. Dallas Willard describes repentance, central to the season...
Advent : The Beauty of Holy Anticipation

Advent : The Beauty of Holy Anticipation

As I look out my window at the multi-colored display of foliage, I find myself thanking God again for the gift of seasons, each with its own distinctive mood and beauty. Each leaf is a declaration of the mind and heart of God who envisioned creating a world full of...

The Tangible Love of Christ in Lent

Fifteen years ago my wife Peggy and I had the incredible opportunity of spending two weeks with Dallas Willard and a community of brothers and sisters at the Mater Dolorosa Passionist Retreat Center in Sierra Madre, California.  As that week progressed we were given...

The Gift of Contemplation

On my journey with Christ I have considered myself many things:  a redeemed, rescued, forgiven, beloved child of God; Jesus’s friend; Jesus’s co-laborer in the world; God’s handiwork created in His image.  But rarely have I identified with being a “contemplative,” one...

The Power of Images:  The Celtic Cross

The Cambridge School is a Classical Christian school in Baltimore, MD, where Coracle’s Community Minister for Baltimore, Scott Buresh, teaches eighth graders. From [the Cambridge School]’s inception we had an intuitive sense of the power of images.  Dallas Willard in...