
Author: Coracle

Big Words Don’t Work

The following post was originally posted on this site by Yonce Shelton (Spiritual Director with Coracle). “Vocation is just there,” said Dr. Emilie Townes.  She was speaking to a group of us gathered to explore helping young adults in intentional communities...

The Heart of our Spiritual Journey

by Kit Elmer God has had me on a journey of desire. He reminded me recently of the story of Bartimaeus. He is a blind man begging along the streets of Jericho.  When Jesus comes along  he shouts “Jesus son of David have mercy on me!” Everyone is telling him to be...

“The Coracle Movie”?! Yep…Really…

Adventure. Challenge. Fear. Wonder. Risk. Beauty. Pain. Transformation. Joy. God. Journey. And quiet Awe. Several years now into the thing that is Coracle, looking back, these are words that indeed reflect what we’ve experienced, and so many others now. And we’re as...

Don’t Just Knit

The following post was originally posted on this site by Yonce Shelton (Spiritual Director with Coracle). “The Scream” is a well known painting by Edvard Munch.  Whether you think it scary, unnerving, confusing or something else, it presents an element of real life....
This Summer I Prayed the Examen

This Summer I Prayed the Examen

Here is a post by a friend of ours about a reflective prayer practice called the Examen Prayer.  It is a powerful way to recognize God in our everyday activities. This Summer I Prayed the Examen by Abby Deatherage This summer, by happenstance and friends-of-friends...

Tolkien Speaks: The Secret to a Happy Marriage

We came across this blog about marriage and self-sacrifice: “…J.R.R. Tolkien was happily married for 55 years. In contrast, the modern divorce rate is shockingly high, and some are giving up on monogamous marriage altogether, claiming it simply isn’t...
Corhaven Kids Club

Corhaven Kids Club

“Corhaven Kids Club”–Fun, Friendship, Character, and Jesus It’s been said that when you have kids, the days last forever and the years fly by! All parents want to take every opportunity build into their children and set them up well for life. To do this it takes...

“One Step At A Time” by Sarah Kohrs

Star of Bethlehem is a perennial bulb, with lily-like flowers on a slender stem that reaches no more than 12 inches high. Over time, they cluster and have been noted as an invasive in riparian buffers, where Star of Bethlehem victoriously compete with native fauna. By...

God-sightings at Corhaven in May 2015

On a personal retreat “My time here helped me to clean my head, stop, be still and just rest in God’s presence.  He reminded me of all the ways that He has blessed me (definitely a weekend of gratitude) and convinced me about how I can be doing a better job of...
150 Years Later, Honoring The Victims…

150 Years Later, Honoring The Victims…

Clearing the Slave Cemetery at Corhaven Saturday May 16, 12.30pm-4.30pm This month we’ve marked the 150th anniversary of the end of the Civil War and then the assassination of Abraham Lincoln a few days later. Lincoln himself interpreted that bloody war in part as...

Relief for Nepal. . . There is much to grieve over

By: Gabriel Dodd There is much to grieve over. As I found out about the Earthquake in Nepal, I immediately thought of a colleague of mine who is from Nepal, and who’s wife and family are still in Nepal.  Today, I found out that his wife and father have survived,...

Meeting Gabriel Dodd

[Some people have gotten divine messages from Gabriel the Angel. Many of you have gotten emails from Gabriel Dodd, the Program Manager. I asked him to tell you a little bit more about himself. He did. – Bill] My name is Gabriel. I’m 26, a husband, and I have been the...

He is risen indeed!

Hallelujah! The Lord is risen!  He is risen indeed! With great joy and relief and gladness and hope and thanksgiving we celebrate today the resurrection of our Jesus Christ from the dead!   It changed, and changes everything.   Glory be to you, Lord Christ! “The good...