
Author: Coracle

4th of July and #JusticeinKenya

Today while we celebrate our Independence Day in the US, we remember also those who don’t enjoy the same freedoms as we do. We remember states where corruption, violence and injustice is rampant and inhabitants are ruled by fear. We especially are in mourning...

Reflections on the Longest Day of the Year

By: Giovanna Meek June 20th, 2016 was the Summer Solstice in the northern hemisphere, when the sun’s zenith reached its northernmost point away from the equator.  Throughout history, the astronomical events of that day have been cause for celebration across cultures...

Take Me to the Alley

This is a song just released by one of my favorite jazz musicians which I think is such a beautiful representation of how Jesus comes to us, and what he is looking for when he does.  Lyrics are available here.  Jesus beckons us, “come to my table, rest here in...

The Kingdom Calling

The Kingdom of God extends over our whole lives and our whole world.  In Luke 5, Jesus is expanding his Kingdom community.  “Put out into the deep…” Jesus calls to each one of us. Go out and go deep is his invitation.  Listen to Bill’s sermon...

Even unto death…

We just wanted to share this beautiful song that Audrey Assad, a favorite artist of many Coracle associates, released “after Audrey heard of yet another martyrdom in the Middle East. ‘I thought of the many martyrs around the world, but especially those in the...

Media Roundup – The Corhaven Graveyard

Friends, we had a wonderful celebration this past Saturday, dedicating the Corhaven Graveyard. In many ways it felt like completion, and in many ways a start to something. We are so grateful to you for all your support and prayers throughout the process of getting the...

On the Journey with Spiritual Direction

Bishop Eric Menees of the Diocese of San Joaquin in California shares a reflection on his 36-year journey with Spiritual Direction.  What it is, what it has been to him, and some encouragement to decide whether or not it might be something you are being invited to...

Online Resources We ♥

Check out this list of resources we love and avail yourself of some of them! We have found their help significant in making the word of God, its wisdom, and its application more accessible in our lives.  We hope you will enjoy them too! Printable PDF accessible here,...

The Road to Emmaus

We had such a great time celebrating with our friends at Christ Church Vienna on April 3.  You can listen to the sermon here, or you can download it from CCV’s website here. Some of our favorite soundbytes: “Disillusionment can be a great gift”...