
Author: Coracle

A World of Silent Night

By: John Gardner Many people know the story of how Franz Gruber, an organist in Oberndorf, Austria, whose organ was broken, hurriedly composed the melody for “Silent Night” for guitar on Christmas Eve, 1818 – two hundred years ago today.  The bicentennial has gone...

Advent and the Upside Down Kingdom

“In that day the wolf and the lamb will live together; the leopard will lie down with the baby goat. The calf and the yearling will be safe with the lion, and a little child will lead them all.” Isaiah 11:6 By: Margot Eyring, Spiritual Director with Coracle When Jesus...
Coracle and ARDF in Nepal – Part 2

Coracle and ARDF in Nepal – Part 2

Last we updated you on our journey, we were about to leave Kathmandu for Pokhara.  We all arrived safely in Pokhara on Monday to the view of a beautiful lake, surrounded by mountains.  The pace is less frenetic and it is much less crowded, the air is cleaner and it...
Walking as Spiritual Practice

Walking as Spiritual Practice

by Ann Bodling Coracle Spiritual Director A couple of weeks ago, a friend asked me what my spiritual practices have been lately.  I was caught off guard and mumbled something about reading and contemplative prayer but, at the same time, I felt like I was forgetting...
Coracle Pilgrimages in 2019

Coracle Pilgrimages in 2019

It’s almost the end of summer and many have traveled somewhere, or may try squeezing something in over the Labor Day weekend.  These journeys are meant to bring us to beautiful places, grant us restoration, time with loved ones, renewal of relationships, and...

Pilgrims on a Journey

By David Brubaker Abbeys… Trees… Trails… Hills… Valleys… Cows… Sheep… Inns… Food… Prayers… Silence… Connection… Peace… Surrender. Each summer I schedule something to nourish my soul. I have done 8-day silent retreats at a Jesuit Retreat Center in Pennsylvania and...

Meet Laren Butler, Corhaven’s Summer 2018 Intern!

Everyone, we are so happy to be welcoming Laren Butler to Corhaven for the summer of 2018.  She comes to us in between her third and fourth years at UVA where she studies Sociology and Religious studies. She is involved with Theological Horizons, and found out about...
A Mission Pilgrimage in Nepal

A Mission Pilgrimage in Nepal

Coracle&ARDF Return to Nepal October 12 – 22, 2018 A joint pilgrimage with Coracle, ARDF and the Diocese of Singapore. Join us for a Vision Trip to visit the Anglican Church in Nepal. Serve alongside Nepalese Christians in Kathmandu and Pokhara, with the...