
Author: Bill Haley

Pilgrimage to the Everest Base Camp – 2024

Pilgrimage to the Everest Base Camp – 2024

Brothers and sisters! I’d like to invite you to seriously consider and hopefully join me on a trek to Everest Base Camp on approximately May 12-26, 2024 in the Himalayan kingdom of Nepal. A little background…Since I first visited Nepal and trekked in the...
A Personal Letter from Me… 2024

A Personal Letter from Me… 2024

Dear friends and fellow pilgrims, I’ll keep this letter brief as most of what I want to say is in Coracle’s vision for 2024, “The Light Shines in the Darkness”, and I want to tell you about that.  But let me start by saying “Thank you!”  Thank you.  Your participation...
Another Most Powerful Prayer

Another Most Powerful Prayer

Friends, it can be really fruitful to slow down and really pay attention to what the famous prayers–those that are at least many decades old and well known–are actually praying, and pray them for ourselves.  This most powerful prayer of Charles de Foucauld is but one...
SOUNDINGS: “To Become Luminous”

SOUNDINGS: “To Become Luminous”

Dear Jesus, help us to spread your fragrance everywhere we go. Flood our souls with your spirit and life. Penetrate and possess our whole being, so utterly, that our lives may only be a radiance of yours. Shine through us, and be so in us, that every soul we come in...
“To Become Luminous”

“To Become Luminous”

In this “Space for God: Beauty,” Rev. Bill Haley guides us into one of the deep realities of the Christian life—being filled with the light of Christ and radiating that light out into the world.  Jesus really desires to live in us, to give us his presence...
Celebrating 3 Years of Space for God

Celebrating 3 Years of Space for God

Friends, three years ago this month Coracle launched Space for God – an intentional virtual prayer time that happens every Tuesday morning (and now every other Thursday, too!). This gathering has become an important weekly rhythm for many of us and we are so grateful...
“Jesus in the Face of Another”

“Jesus in the Face of Another”

In this first-ever “Space for God: Thursday,” Rev. Bill Haley revisits one of his favorite topics—the profound way in which we can encounter Jesus through encountering and attending to those who bear his image.  He draws on poetry, scripture, and a...
“When Jesus Found Me”

“When Jesus Found Me”

In this “Space for God” devotional, Rev. Bill Haley shares his encounters with Ignatius of Loyola while on Sabbatical in Rome.  Ultimately, Bill’s pursuit of Ignatius ended up being Jesus’ pursuit of Bill, and Bill encourages us to live with...
Bonfires This Fall

Bonfires This Fall

Dear Friends on the Journey, Fellow Pilgrims, I couldn’t be more excited coming into this fall.  Yes, I’m excited by what is coming up for you and all of us through Coracle’s offerings (more on that below), but more deeply it’s because of the palpable sense that the...
Becoming People of Repair

Becoming People of Repair

“What should we do when we realize that the forms of Christianity we inherited are either insufficient for—or opposed to—the Christian mission to which we are called?” Coracle’s partners at the Center for Formation, Justice, and Peace are exploring in depth a central...
SOUNDINGS: Soul and Brain Food from Sabbatical

SOUNDINGS: Soul and Brain Food from Sabbatical

“SOUNDINGS” posts consider topics that are important for our society, for the Church, and for our own spiritual journeys.  To ‘take a sounding’ is a nautical term about using depth to determine where you are and where you’re going.  These writings are designed to do...
Sabbatical Ends, A New Season Begins

Sabbatical Ends, A New Season Begins

“You look around, and you see a world that is impenetrable, that cannot be made sense of.  You either raise your fist or say ‘Hallelujah’…I try to do both.”   Leonard Cohen I am back from Sabbatical.  It was wonderful, restful, beauty-full, and...
News from Bill on Sabbatical

News from Bill on Sabbatical

Dear Friends and Fellow Pilgrims, It is a great grace to be writing to you from a place of deep rest and wonder in the middle of sabbatical!  I’m writing with a brief update on the time thus far and also with great thanksgiving.  Yes, thank you for your prayers for me...
“The Next Journey” News and Updates

“The Next Journey” News and Updates

Over the past several months you likely have heard us talking about “The Next Journey”  for Coracle.  The Next Journey, which came from our corporate discernment last summer, focuses on Community, Mission, and (initially) four Spaces.  Thematically, The Next Journey...
“Praying for Your New Year”

“Praying for Your New Year”

In this “Space for God,” Bill Haley guides us through a reflection drawn from the account of Jesus walking on the water in Matthew 14. He focuses on Jesus’ words to his disciples, offering them as powerful prompts for us all as we step and pray our way into a new...