
Author: Bill Haley

“The Kingdom of God Is Like a Mustard Seed”

Critical to the success of the new South Sudan, according to Archbishop Daniel Deng, are three things:  agriculture, education, and health-care.  Without these the people will not flourish or develop, and if the people don’t, the country won’t. And so, in the last 24...

So It (really) Begins

In any country, there’s always a big difference between the city and the country.  In Africa, multiply that by ten, or maybe twenty. In some of the regions of South Sudan, according to Archbishop Deng, there are those who still live “as they did when God...

What Suffering Can Create

Of course, in South Sudan, there are all the challenges you expect to see in Africa:  poverty, corruption, infrastructure yet to be developed and the roads to prove it, economic disparity, HIV and AIDS.  And yet…and yet, our introduction to this land has so far...

Into Africa…Again. Lord Have Mercy.

I’ve been to Africa more times now than I can remember.   And getting ready to go again brings back a familiar feeling, of a heavy dread mixed with a lot of hope.  Ten years ago, almost to the day, Tara and I were about to arrive for six weeks in Nairobi, and...

“And Just What Will You Be Doing in Africa?”

Congo, South Sudan, and Rwanda…in 10 days. Why there, why this trip, what are you doing, how can we pray? These are all the right questions, and Canon Nancy Norton of the Anglican Relief and Development Fund (ARDF) answers the first three very well: “On...

Web Resources for Spiritual Formation

Can the web help us grow spiritually? Yes!  It is true, of course, that in any number of ways websites and blogs can quickly and easily de-form us spiritually, but there are some wonderful sites and web resources that can help “form Christ in us”, the essence of...

The Glorious Demise of Squealy the Pig

It was a cruel thing, perhaps, to do to Liam, our six year old son.   His whole life to that point had been urban, as in, the inner-city of Washington DC.   Living in the broken places of the world and the city had been Tara’s and my past for a long time, and we...

Braving the Formidable Quiet

Right at the end of last year, the New York Times published an opinion article entitled “The Joy of Quiet”, by the well-known author Pico Iyer.  He reflected on one of the deep ironies of our 3G, wi-fi, smart-phone, text-messaging, uber-connected age.   The irony is...
What is a ‘Coracle’?

What is a ‘Coracle’?

“I would love to live like a river flows, carried by the surprise of its own unfolding.” John O’Donohue Among the many stories of the adventures of the old Celtic Christian pilgrims is this one, from the 9th century.  Landing on an English beach in a boat made of...