
Tag: Retreats

The Importance of Retreat

The Importance of Retreat

What is retreat, and why do we do it?  Retreat is defined by Merriam-Webster as “a period of group withdrawal for prayer, meditation, study, or instruction under a director.”  A Christian retreat is often referred to as a definite time spent away from...

Tara’s Kitchen: Butternut Squash & White Bean Stew

Many of you have suggested that I might include recipes from meals you have enjoyed while on retreat here at Corhaven.  I’ve taken this advice to heart and am including a recipe served at our Advent Retreat this past December. Enjoy! __________________ Butternut...

A Report on a Retreat

So what goes on at a retreat at Corhaven? Christine Lee Buchholz tells us in a great article for The Washington Institute. Better than that though, she invites us to experience the richness of silence, which is not the absence of noise, but rather space for God.  You...

Braving the Formidable Quiet

Right at the end of last year, the New York Times published an opinion article entitled “The Joy of Quiet”, by the well-known author Pico Iyer.  He reflected on one of the deep ironies of our 3G, wi-fi, smart-phone, text-messaging, uber-connected age.   The irony is...