by Wade Ballou | Jan 29, 2015 | Contemplative Life
“Live the questions now. Perhaps then, someday far in the future, you will gradually, without even noticing it, live your way into the answer.” – Rainer Maria Rilke, from Letters to a Young Poet One theme from the early years of my life is restlessness. I tend...
by Bill Haley | Jan 21, 2015 | Contemplative Life
I have a brother and two sisters. I love them all and wish you could meet them. There’s a good chance that one of them, my sister Ruth, is already known to you. A funny, glee-full thing happens to me at least several times a year. Someone will be talking to me...
by Coracle | Jan 19, 2015 | Justice and Mercy
Notes from “Honoring the Forgotten” a first conversation about the slave cemetery at Corhaven held on January 16, 2015 (MLK Day Weekend) Corhaven is located at 2883 Quicksburg Road, Quicksburg VA 22847 Local residents of Shenandoah County and also the History Club of...
by Bill Haley | Jan 15, 2015 | Contemplative Life
Hebrews 6.1 invites and beckons and woos and calls and commands us: “Let us go on to maturity.” The Greek word used here for mature comes from teleios, meaning complete, or perfect. It has the meaning of something that has lived into its design and purpose. The...
by Bill Haley | Jan 12, 2015 | Coracle News
Dear friends and fellow-pilgrims! This is one of those occasions when I want to personally share some important developments for all of us and a few sentiments. Thanks for reading to the bottom, and I’ll be as brief as I possibly can! If you make it all the way...
by Coracle | Jan 5, 2015 | Contemplative Life
Dear Jesus, help us to spread your presence everywhere we go. Flood our souls with your spirit and life. Penetrate and possess our whole being so utterly, that our lives may be only a radiance of yours. Shine through us, and be so in us, that every person we come in...
by Tara Haley | Dec 22, 2014 | Liturgical Seasons
Soon on Christmas Day we’ll celebrate the climax of the season of Advent. Waiting turns into rejoicing! And yet in these last couple of days of Advent, there is still time to be blessed by one who has a special prominence in the Nativity story, Mary, the mother of...
by Coracle | Dec 20, 2014 | Contemplative Life
by Mona Lindeman Mona is a dear friend of Coracle and active at The Falls Church Anglican. She gave this reflection recently to a women’s Bible Study. Consider Mary of Nazareth, the wife of Joseph the carpenter, the mother of Jesus our Savior. What do we think when...
by Soren Johnson | Dec 19, 2014 | Contemplative Life
This blog was originally posted by a Coracle board member, Soren Johnson. “What’s your favorite time of the year?” I asked my 7-year-old son the other day. Without a pause, he nearly shouted, “Christmas Eve.” Fellow dads, listen up. We can read our kids’ excitement in...
by Coracle | Dec 16, 2014 | Creation
Tara served an outstanding soup at the Advent Retreat this year. After several requests for the recipe, we are excited to share it with more people. It sounds good, and tastes delicious. Thank you Tara! Carrot Soup with Parmesan Crisps Serves 6 1 ounce...
by Soren Johnson | Dec 11, 2014 | Contemplative Life
This blog was originally posted by a Coracle board member, Soren Johnson. Here is a bit of non-news: Americans today are decidedly overwhelmed, self-absorbed and hyper-social. We download apps to monitor our breathing, sleeping and our every move. We are...
by Bill Haley | Dec 9, 2014 | For the World, Justice and Mercy
I’ve been waiting five years for this. On the property of Corhaven, there is a slave cemetery dating from the mid-1800s. While we’ve quietly and prayerfully tended it, it’s time to really honor our brothers and sisters who lay there. This is no small feat, and one...
by Bill Haley | Dec 4, 2014 | Coracle News
Dear dear friends and fellow pilgrims, Happy Advent to you! A new year dawns. A great year has passed. I want to tell you about the amazing 2014 that Coracle has had. Truly, God is giving us great grace to see our mission actually happen, “inspiring and enabling...
by Bill Haley | Dec 3, 2014 | Liturgical Seasons
“At the Beginning of Advent” by Bill Haley Father, now comes Advent again, Our response is to pause, and recall, That you sent Jesus, for us and for the world, Your glory unfurled vulnerably sweet, that we might see who You are, and be your body to this suffering...
by Coracle | Nov 26, 2014 | Justice and Mercy
We cannot escape the news and the situation in Ferguson, nor should we. Lord, have mercy. These events remind us that there is much work to be done for racial reconciliation in America. Not only do we pray for peace in Ferguson, but we pray for change in our own...
by Wade Ballou | Nov 26, 2014 | Contemplative Life
“For the beauty of the skies … for the joy of human love …” The lines of this favorite hymn fill my heart this Thanksgiving and guide me into reflection–What am I thankful for? I am thankful for God’s blessings around me, and I know joy in being in Christ. I am...
by Bill Haley | Nov 15, 2014 | Contemplative Life
The following address was offered at the Opening Eucharist of the 2014 Synod of the Diocese of the Mid-Atlantic of the Anglican Church of North America, held in Woodbridge, VA on November 15, 2014. Coracle · Shine In The Darkness In Philippians 2.15, Paul speaks of “a...
by Coracle | Nov 10, 2014 | Contemplative Life
In case you did not catch this on the EWTN News Nightly, The Trinity House Cafe was featured for a couple of minutes, and we want to share it with you. Soren Johnson, a Coracle board member and friend is connected very closely and his wife, Ever, runs the ministry....
by Bill Haley | Nov 7, 2014 | Church Unity
Our first “Soundings Seminar” was held on Wed. Oct. 8 at St. John’s Catholic Church in Falls Church, VA. Led by Rev. Bill Haley and Soren Johnson, our discussion titled, “Catholics and Evangelicals Together” covered just that: Unity– the...
by Bill Haley | Nov 6, 2014 | Vocation
“All work is God’s work.” “Your work matters to God.” “You are priests in the public square.” “All church member’s are ministers.” “Vocation is integral, not incidental, to the mission of God.” These are assertive phrases one hears a lot around a church that...