
A Personal Word As Fall Comes Into View

Dear fellow-pilgrims, as is often with these letters, I like to finish by offering a deep treat at the end, so read all the way to the and find out what it is this time.   And as you know, from time to time I like to offer a more personal letter to let you know of...

Life and Heat

Lord, a holy man make me, set apart blown apart to be set free and dance deep and wild a tender fire wicking words into heat and light so some may see life truly lived quiet penetrating and...

Transforming Our World: A Life-Giving Process

Bill Deiss wears many hats including being a board member for Coracle, and the Executive Director for Anglican Relief and Development Fund.  Below is a reflection written for ARDF about Transforming our world, and we thought it was also fitting for the Coracle...

Tolkien Speaks: The Secret to a Happy Marriage

We came across this blog about marriage and self-sacrifice: “…J.R.R. Tolkien was happily married for 55 years. In contrast, the modern divorce rate is shockingly high, and some are giving up on monogamous marriage altogether, claiming it simply isn’t...

Quiet in the (Beltway) Chaos

We live in a frenzied and seemingly chaotic world. We drive ourselves to distraction with our devices and multitasking. We strive for the next customer, contract, or position. For many the electronic world means that the work world is always present. We carry our...

Reflections on our Wedding

15 Years Ago Today!!    But this was written about two weeks after we said, “Yes.” Reflections on Our Wedding– by Bill and Tara Scherer Haley The Irish Celts had a word for those locations where God seems to be more easily seen. They called them ‘thin...
Cleaning Out the House

Cleaning Out the House

In Psalm 21:4, it says that David “asked life” from God and God “gave it to him – length of days forever and ever,” as the New King James renders it. When I read those words last week, I was struck by David’s request. He wanted...

Men of Reparation

This article was written by Soren Johnson. Men repair stuff. I know — I’m resorting to stereotypes. But I don’t know any guys who find happiness by waking up day after day to a bunch of broken things. And yet, according to a friend of mine who oversees facilities for...
The Light in the Coop

The Light in the Coop

Tara and I cleaned out the chicken coop this week – and by “cleaned out,” I mean deep-cleaned, the kind of cleaning you do once a year with brushes that scour and lots of bleach.  In this case, we didn’t use bleach because a batch of fifteen new baby chicks is on its...
Corhaven Kids Club

Corhaven Kids Club

“Corhaven Kids Club”–Fun, Friendship, Character, and Jesus It’s been said that when you have kids, the days last forever and the years fly by! All parents want to take every opportunity build into their children and set them up well for life. To do this it takes...

What’s Next For Coracle?

I was asked recently to fill out a few questions about Coracle, and this one was one of them:   What three dreams do you have for this church/non-profit? And here’s the answer: “1.  Take the next clear step.   2.  Then take the next clear step.   3.  Then take...

God in the Perfect Storm

I’ve noticed something, and come to believe it, and it’s proving quite powerful and helpful in those hard seasons that we all go through–the season of “The Perfect Storm”. You know the image, you’ve been there, you might be in such a season now! The Perfect Storm is a...

A review of “Surrender to Love”

In his book Surrender to Love: Discovering the Heart of Christian Spirituality, David Benner argues that surrendering to Divine Love is the key to spiritual growth and genuine transformation.  In fact, Benner goes so far as to say that “the deepest need for all human...

“One Step At A Time” by Sarah Kohrs

Star of Bethlehem is a perennial bulb, with lily-like flowers on a slender stem that reaches no more than 12 inches high. Over time, they cluster and have been noted as an invasive in riparian buffers, where Star of Bethlehem victoriously compete with native fauna. By...