
Looking Back, Looking Forward, Looking to You

As 2015 draws rapidly to a close and the new liturgical year is newly upon us, we gratefully look back at an astounding year, hopefully look forward at what God has for us in 2016, and humbly look to you, our faithful friends and supporters to continue partnering with...

Stars in Spiral Song

“Stars in Spiral Song” Penetrate me with passion, pure and holy flame. Wild and free, galaxies spin cast forth, strewn like dice loaded and shot wide; a sweep and stars dance comets sing, take flight on sparkling wing to find wonders, and praise Your name....
An Alphabet for Thanksgiving

An Alphabet for Thanksgiving

  Atonement bought by the Son of God, the ransom paid in righteous blood; Brothers and sisters, the bonds we share of love and life though scattered everywhere; Creation sings its praises heav’n winging though no metal strikes it raises its ringing;...

Why I Went to Israel and Palestine

The following post was originally posted on here by Yonce Shelton (Spiritual Director with Coracle). In February, I joined 13 others on a pilgrimage to Israel and Palestine led by the Telos Group, which seeks to change how American Christians understand conflict in...

Year-End Overview

Thanks be to God, 2015 for Coracle has been a year of unprecedented growth and full of unexpected invitations into new areas.  As we draw closer to the end of this year, check out our 2015 overview for a brief summary of what’s been happening, and look forward...

It Spreads for Thee

It Spreads for Thee by Bill Haley Dark and warmly damp waits the wood While white mist hovers thick with scent. Solace and solitude kiss Give rise to strength and rebirth To dance again. Hidden ‘tween the trunks of trees Protected lies the slitted door, Veiled in the...

Come and See

I recently had the privilege of leading a small memorial service for my great aunt and uncle and shared these words below. I hope they minister to you, as they ministered to me and my family in our time of grief. I was reading scripture earlier this week and God led...

Orienting Towards Advent

Soon, well already actually, you’re going to get slammed with the commercialization that surrounds the Advent and Christmas season.   Very little in the holiday season is going to be calling you to engage the deep meaning of it, the Person, the Baby, the One Who Came,...

The Stones of Prayers and Dreams

The Stones of Prayers and Dreams by Bill Haley We walked through rain and dripping heather Conscious of the gift of the place, Aware that “together” was our greatest gift. So the weather could not dampen our joy On that Emerald Isle, The place of prayers and dreams....

First Summer Field Education Reflection

As part of Abigail’s internship, Duke asked her to collect answers to several questions about Coracle. Below are the questions and answers from the Coracle staff that reflect their thoughts on the ministry. Responses from Bill, Director of Coracle and Corhaven;...

A Transforming Internship

When Bill asked me to write about my experience as an intern this summer, I felt overwhelmed. How could I begin to put into words the gift that was my ten weeks at Corhaven? I can’t. However, I can tell you one thing and that is this: my internship at Corhaven...

I Shall Emerge Someday

I Shall Emerge Someday by Bill Haley I shall emerge someday a nugget of gold though covered with clay I shall emerge someday mud made to gold though covered with clay Rising from the pit gold though covered with clay I shall emerge someday Some will see clay, some...

Our Deepest Essence…a double entendre

Since the first centuries of the Christian church until now, across the Catholic, Orthodox, and Protestant spectrum, noteworthy leaders have made the same assertion, and it is a bold one. In the 2nd century, St. Irenaeus said it: ‘Through his transcendent love, our...


Thrust by Bill Haley Trust in God’s goodness, Faith in his power; These are the weapons To get through this hour. These the tools, These the bedrock Diving in an ocean of love A heaven of love Without words, without knowledge Naked intent Desire full bore Undone and...

Big Words Don’t Work

The following post was originally posted on this site by Yonce Shelton (Spiritual Director with Coracle). “Vocation is just there,” said Dr. Emilie Townes.  She was speaking to a group of us gathered to explore helping young adults in intentional communities...

The Heart of our Spiritual Journey

by Kit Elmer God has had me on a journey of desire. He reminded me recently of the story of Bartimaeus. He is a blind man begging along the streets of Jericho.  When Jesus comes along  he shouts “Jesus son of David have mercy on me!” Everyone is telling him to be...

Present, Speak Today

Present, Speak Today by Bill Haley Present, speak today It matters not the voice A kiss from the salt sea spray A pleasant wind’s embrace Long listening of a trusted friend Soft strong words said clear It matters not how you send But, you, speak So I can...