
Category: Contemplative Life

Silent Suppers…

“In the silence of the heart God speaks. If you face God in prayer and silence, God will speak to you. Then you will know that you are nothing. It is only when you realize your nothingness, your emptiness, that God can fill you with Himself. Souls of prayer are souls...
A Light to the World is the Missio Dei

A Light to the World is the Missio Dei

This post was written by Gabriel Dodd During my first semester studying at Eastern Mennonite Seminary, I have enjoyed a class called Missio Dei in Cultural Context.  I have come to an understanding that if ten people were in a room, and we asked them what the Mission...
Camping Retreats at Corhaven

Camping Retreats at Corhaven

It’s safe to say that for me personally, a critical part of my spiritual formation earlier in life came through spending time alone with God, in nothing but nature, sleeping in a tent, with no other company except God and the wonders of creation and a constant...

Deep Inspiration from a Life Cut Short

Recently while in China, I had the opportunity to reconnect with Chris Hickey, a good man who I’d gotten to know while at St. Brendan’s.  He shared with me a hard story of the death of one of his good friends, Brad Ipema, who died too young. Chris forwarded on to me...

Befriending Benedict

Laura Merzig Fabrycky wrote this blog originally for The Washington Institute, and asked if we can post it on our website.  These are her reflections after co-leading the retreat on “Rhythms and Vocation: An Experiential Introduction to the Rule of St....

The Smallest Things Matter the Most

Yesterday, I bumped across a couple of brief writings from some great souls that were essentially saying the same thing.   Basically, don’t worry too much about the big picture, but rather love the people who are actually around you with great love, and do the things...

Communion of the Body of Christ

This last weekend, Corhaven hosted a delightful retreat with The Washington Institute about “Rhythms and Vocation: An Experiential Introduction to the Rule of St. Benedict.”  At the end of the day, the group shared in Eucharist with this simple recipe. Laura Fabrycky,...

Coracle in China!

Friends, I’ll be in Shanghai March 6-16 to preach at a couple of churches and to lead a couple of retreats, and looking forward to being hosted by and seeing some old friends from St. Brendan’s in the City.   The major themes of the retreats and speaking are spiritual...

Perspective of God’s Works of Wonder

With the hustle and bustle of work, school, and church, I find it hard sometimes to take a deep breath.  Sometimes we carve room for that special time of rest, and other times, it falls upon us like Gods saving mercy.  The image of our planet from Mars struck Bill and...

The Benedictine Way Today

This weekend, we’ve got a full house as so many people have signed up for the retreat exploring and experiencing the Benedictine tradition and it’s relevance for today.  Even if we won’t see you this weekend, this article is inspiring, insightful,...

The Lord Does Not Waste A Background

“God doesn’t waste a background.” This thought, planted by the Rev. Sam Ferguson during a study of the life of St. Paul began coming to fruition for me during my preparations for giving the general Father’s Blessing at the January 2014 Mother/Father’s Blessing held by...
God, Isaiah and Oswald Chambers

God, Isaiah and Oswald Chambers

Like many parents, I am fretting over the summer calendar already.  (Maybe these extra snow days after an already-long weekend  are wearing me out!)  The awesome church camp schedule is posted, but I’m still waiting on the county’s schedule.  Further, we have several...

Something Tangible for the New Year

A book review of Tangible: Making God Known Through Deeds of Mercy and Words of Truth by Chris Sicks (Colorado Springs, CO; NavPress, 2013) by Mary C. Amendolia How did an atheist turn into a man of mercy? Tangible: Making God Known Through Deeds of Mercy and Words of...
A Good Man, a Good Life, a Good Death

A Good Man, a Good Life, a Good Death

On December 31, 2013, Bill Scherer, father to Tara and father-in-law to me, entered the larger Life.  He was a founding board member of Coracle, and instrumental in enabling Corhaven to come into reality, among so many other things.  Below is the homily that I...
Christmas Mystery of Marriage

Christmas Mystery of Marriage

In the Joseph portion of the Christmas story (Matthew 1: 18-24), Joseph reverses his decision to put Mary away due to his encounter with an angel of the Lord who comes in a dream. In the Mary portion of the Christmas story (Luke 1: 26-56), Mary accepts the word of the...

Living in the Present Moment

by Kit Elmer A wise friend once told me “God is alive in the present moment and in eternity. Satan’s territories are the past and the future.” Those words impacted me greatly and I realized that is why these two questions, “What if?” and “If only?” can be and have...