by Soren Johnson | Dec 19, 2014 | Contemplative Life
This blog was originally posted by a Coracle board member, Soren Johnson. “What’s your favorite time of the year?” I asked my 7-year-old son the other day. Without a pause, he nearly shouted, “Christmas Eve.” Fellow dads, listen up. We can read our kids’ excitement in...
by Soren Johnson | Dec 11, 2014 | Contemplative Life
This blog was originally posted by a Coracle board member, Soren Johnson. Here is a bit of non-news: Americans today are decidedly overwhelmed, self-absorbed and hyper-social. We download apps to monitor our breathing, sleeping and our every move. We are...
by Wade Ballou | Nov 26, 2014 | Contemplative Life
“For the beauty of the skies … for the joy of human love …” The lines of this favorite hymn fill my heart this Thanksgiving and guide me into reflection–What am I thankful for? I am thankful for God’s blessings around me, and I know joy in being in Christ. I am...
by Bill Haley | Nov 15, 2014 | Contemplative Life
The following address was offered at the Opening Eucharist of the 2014 Synod of the Diocese of the Mid-Atlantic of the Anglican Church of North America, held in Woodbridge, VA on November 15, 2014. Coracle · Shine In The Darkness In Philippians 2.15, Paul speaks of “a...
by Coracle | Nov 10, 2014 | Contemplative Life
In case you did not catch this on the EWTN News Nightly, The Trinity House Cafe was featured for a couple of minutes, and we want to share it with you. Soren Johnson, a Coracle board member and friend is connected very closely and his wife, Ever, runs the ministry....
by Coracle | Oct 23, 2014 | Contemplative Life
Matthew 8:1-4 8 When Jesus came down from the mountainside, large crowds followed him. 2 A man with leprosy came and knelt before him and said, “Lord, if you are willing, you can make me clean.”3 Jesus reached out his hand and touched the man. “I am willing,” he...
by Bill Haley | Oct 15, 2014 | Contemplative Life
It is the season of autumn, my favorite by far and we’ve had some stunning, breathtaking days of beauty, haven’t we? I cannot help but be reminded of the poem God’s World by Edna St. Vincent Millay: O world, I cannot hold thee close enough! Thy winds, thy...
by Coracle | Oct 13, 2014 | Contemplative Life
MARTYROLOGY AND ECCLESIOLOGY: A Perspective on Christian Unity by John Gardner (John participated in our “Catholics and Evangelicals Together” seminar and was kind enough to forward on his excellent piece on those themes. BH) In Ut Unum Sint, Pope (and now Saint)...
by Coracle | Oct 10, 2014 | Contemplative Life
Dear Board, I am grateful to God for what I sensed as His blessing on last night’s reflection with Bill on the ‘Evangelicals and Catholics Together’ theme. I found it to be an honest time of reflection (this included people expressing pain/disappointment at various...
by Coracle | Oct 2, 2014 | Contemplative Life
When I first got married, it did not take long for me to figure out that I was a “fixer.” I always needed to fix everything. If there was a conflict, or a disagreement, or even a bad day, I always felt like it was my job to solve the problem. One day,...
by Bill Haley | Sep 30, 2014 | Contemplative Life, Creation
For a long time I’ve been taken with a comment from Dallas Willard along that lines that Jesus invites us into “eternal life starting now”. In other words, we are saved to enjoy eternal life not only after we die, but every day of our life until we die and then it...
by Bill Haley | Sep 14, 2014 | Contemplative Life
Charles de Foucauld (1858-1916) from France was a small and simple man whose unusual life of great faith and sacrifice would come to inspire many Christians and non-Christians alike. Serving in the French army in north Africa, the religious devotion of the Muslims he...
by Coracle | Sep 11, 2014 | Contemplative Life
Remembering 9/11, a part of God’s story comes to mind when God’s people were under harsh times, and were trying to recover from an attack. Years had gone by, and food was scarce, and people hungered for help from the Lord. When Joel lifts these things up...
by Coracle | Sep 4, 2014 | Contemplative Life
We have two brand-new offerings from Coracle! Click the links below to see a PDF of these exciting opportunities. One is about the fall “Soundings Seminar Series” in northern Virginia, and the other is about a series of men’s retreats that...
by Coracle | Aug 14, 2014 | Contemplative Life
We’re excited to offer some new opportunities for good fun and great conversation at Corhaven starting in September called “Movies with a Message.” In our day, one of the most powerful ways to tell stories, raise awareness, make a point, and spark...
by Bill Haley | Jul 2, 2014 | Contemplative Life
I still remember a couple of years ago when my family, all six of us–Tara, Liam, Iona, Karis, Maira, and me–had just returned from a wonderful vacation. Whether you’ve already had yours or the last weeks of August still hold its promise, I hope you have or will...
by Bill Haley | May 29, 2014 | Contemplative Life
This past April in Nashville, I went to what I find to be one of the most unique and refreshing annual gatherings of Christians in the country. I go because I find this event a great way to stay current with fresh thinking on important topics in today’s society, as...
by Coracle | May 22, 2014 | Contemplative Life
After most group retreats at Corhaven and often personal retreats, we ask a few questions about people’s experiences and ideas. And we always ask “How did you meet God?”. The following replies are just a few taken from recent retreatants. Praise God that he meets...
by Bill Haley | May 19, 2014 | Contemplative Life, For the World
Recently I was able to preach on this topic at The Falls Church Anglican. The audio version (link provided in the PDF) is half the length of what I’ve written and attached here. It was for me an opportunity to get onto the page some ideas I’ve been...
by Coracle | May 14, 2014 | Church Unity, Contemplative Life
Yes, we all strive to be doing the work of Jesus, but one guy has more eyes on him than any of us. The Pope. In case you missed this one, here is an article we found on the subject. Click the title below to read the full thing. “If Francis’s embrace of the...