by Coracle | Aug 23, 2021 | Contemplative Life
Every Tuesday morning from 8:30-9 AM (ET), we offer “Space for God”– a time to meet with and be met by God through a guided time of reflection and prayer. Over the weeks, the archive of recordings from this rich time together has grown into a terrific...
by Coracle | Aug 23, 2021 | Contemplative Life
Every Tuesday morning from 8:30-9 AM (ET), we offer “Space for God”– a time to meet with and be met by God through a guided time of reflection and prayer. Over the weeks, the archive of recordings from this rich time together has grown into a terrific...
by Bill Haley | Aug 20, 2021 | Contemplative Life
In this “Space for God” devotional, Rev. Bill Haley (Coracle Executive Director) guides us through a time of experiencing God’s presence in a collection of sound recordings gathered from across the globe. From the beaches of Costa Rica, to the...
by Bill Haley | Aug 19, 2021 | Contemplative Life
“Emptying precedes filling.” Eugene Peterson My favorite living novelist is the Canadian Roman Catholic, Michael D. O’Brien. I’ve read most of his thirteen novels, and his Father Elijah remains one of the most formative works of fiction in my life. For all...
by Rick Mastroianni | Aug 13, 2021 | Contemplative Life
In this “Space for God: Beauty” devotional, Rick Mastroianni (Coracle Spiritual Director) guides us through three poems as prompts for prayer and connection with God. We move from the soaring acclimation of creation and God’s law together in Psalm...
by Coracle | Aug 13, 2021 | Contemplative Life, Vocation
In this Soundings Seminar conversation, educators Carla Mueller, Abri Nelson May, and Squire Newsome talk with co-moderators Karla Petty (Coracle’s Dir. of Program Development) and Erica Adams (Redemptive Education’s Assistant Director) about the interplay...
by Scott Buresh | Aug 5, 2021 | Contemplative Life
In this “Space for God” devotional, Dr. Scott Buresh (Coracle’s Baltimore Community Minister) guides us through a short visio divina exercise using a painting of the Celtic Saint Brendan the Navigator. He also weaves in the biblical story of Jesus...
by Coracle | Jul 30, 2021 | Contemplative Life
“This conversation is such rich nourishment… spiritual fudge, beautiful!!” Online Viewer Gwen In this Soundings Seminar, Rev. Bill Haley (Executive Director of Coracle) talks with psychiatrist Dr. Curt Thompson about the role of beauty and desire in...
by Coracle | Jul 30, 2021 | Contemplative Life
In this “Space for God” devotional, Anne Grizzle (faculty, Shalem Institute for Spiritual Formation) guides us through a time of listening intercession. Too often, we jump right into praying for what we think we should pray for without asking the Lord to...
by Coracle | Jul 22, 2021 | Contemplative Life, Justice and Mercy
In this “Space for God: BIBLE,” Steve Park (Founder and Executive Director of Little Lights) guides us through the arc of scripture related to God’s coming Kingdom of Justice and mutual flourishing. He offers us a rousing invitation to join...
by Danny Nasry | Jul 16, 2021 | Contemplative Life
In this “Space for God” devotional, Danny Nasry (Coracle Community Minister) guides us through Proverbs 8, the iconic depiction of “Lady Wisdom” and helps us step into God’s invitation to “unselfconscious delight,” or play. If...
by Karla Petty | Jul 13, 2021 | Contemplative Life
The idea of Sabbath is as old as Creation, when God took the seventh day to rest (Genesis 2:1-3). In Exodus 20 and Deuteronomy 10, we find that everyone in the household, even little ones, observes the Sabbath. God’s call to regular rest even extended to the farm...
by Sarah Kohrs | Jul 8, 2021 | Contemplative Life
In this “Space for God” devotional, Sarah Kohrs (Dir. of Corhaven Graveyard) guides us through a meditation on finding beauty in brokenness. She draws upon the cross-cultural tradition of artfully binding broken pottery to draw us into God’s...
by Bill Haley | Jul 6, 2021 | Contemplative Life
Along with Common Good Things and the whole Coracle team, Tara and I are excited to invite you to a gorgeous time at Corhaven on Saturday, July 31st we’re calling “Enjoying God’s Gifts: A Taste of Sabbath.” We didn’t really plan it for this reason, but now it comes to...
by Danny Nasry | Jul 6, 2021 | Contemplative Life, Creation
I hope your summer thus far has been a gift, and full of the promise of more gifts just around the corner. Perhaps you have a little getaway coming up, or you just returned from a 4th of July celebration. Or maybe you’re enjoying simpler gifts, like the powerful...
by Coracle | Jul 2, 2021 | Contemplative Life
In this “Space for God” devotional, Dr. Ben Sammons guides us through a reflective reading of “Adventures in New Testament Greek: Nous” a poem by acclaimed poet and theologian Scott Cairns. The poem invites us into a spiritual exercise meant to...
by Coracle | Jun 25, 2021 | Contemplative Life
In this “Space for God: BIBLE” devotional, Rev. Darryl Ford (Ikon Community Church) guides us through the too-often-forgotten first 9 verses of Proverbs 31. He shares how they offer the church a vision of leadership grounded in prudence, sobriety, and...
by Bill Haley | Jun 25, 2021 | Contemplative Life
A few summers ago while vacationing in the High Country of North Carolina, my family found ourselves at a gym devoted to rock climbing, with high-pitched walls and many multi-colored hand and foot holds molded and screwed to the walls in a variety of patterns. ...
by Coracle | Jun 22, 2021 | Contemplative Life
by PJ Whittington “I would rather die for Jesus Christ than rule the last reaches of the earth. My search is for Him who died for us; my love is for Him who rose for our salvation. The pangs of new birth are upon me. Forgive me, brethren. Do nothing to prevent...
by Sarah Kohrs | Jun 15, 2021 | Contemplative Life
In this “Space for God” devotional, Sarah Kohrs (Dir. of Corhaven Graveyard) guides us through the key themes of a spiritual pilgrimage, filtered through her family’s recent pilgrimage to Native American reservations in the Southwest United...