by Coracle | Feb 7, 2017 | Contemplative Life
Several years ago, my wife and I celebrated our wedding anniversary with a getaway in southern Utah. Where we stayed, we were bordered by the Colorado River on one side, and on the other by the dramatic red sandstone structures that make up the landscape. One morning...
by Coracle | Feb 6, 2017 | Contemplative Life
Bill Haley’s sermon from January 22, 2017 given at The Falls Church Anglican in Falls Church, VA, on the importance of valuing life at every stage.
by Coracle | Jan 20, 2017 | Contemplative Life
By: Desiree Barker Coracle Spiritual Director, Northern Virginia I will begin by saying that I did not grow up keeping a diary or a journal. I had two younger sisters and writing down personal things in a diary was not a safe activity at our house! While in college, I...
by Coracle | Jan 17, 2017 | Contemplative Life
By: Heather Strube Coracle Spiritual Director Baltimore, MD “Friendship forms. Friendship is a much underestimated aspect of spirituality. It’s every bit as significant as prayer and fasting. Like the sacramental use of water and bread and wine, friendship...
by Coracle | Jan 13, 2017 | Contemplative Life
By: Giovanna Meek (Coracle Intern, Summer 2016) “Spiritual Formation” often gets a bad rap: considered some new age, non-Christ-centered effort or, alternatively, raised to the level of the most important aspect of a Christian’s life, but to be pursued in an...
by Coracle | Jan 10, 2017 | Contemplative Life
By: Yonce Shelton Coracle Spiritual Director December 2016 I believe because I go to the woods and am met. I go not to get away from, but to draw closer to. I go with desire. Or a question. Or the sense that I carry something. Or three words on a sticky note. I...
by Coracle | Dec 13, 2016 | Contemplative Life, Liturgical Seasons
Bill Haley’s sermon given at The Falls Church Anglican on December 11, 2016.
by Coracle | Dec 8, 2016 | Liturgical Seasons
By: Todd Deatherage As 2016 moves to its end, many wish it had all been just an unpleasant dream. Our experiences this year, as in most, teach us that things are not right in the world, not as they should be. An ugly American election season has exposed deep fault...
by Coracle | Dec 2, 2016 | Coracle News
Dear Friends and Fellow Pilgrims, I’m not good at cutting to the chase. I’m not good at being brief. I use words (and, sometimes, as you will see in my PS at the end, YouTube videos!) to help folks to see what I see, know what I know, celebrate the breadth that I...
by Coracle | Dec 2, 2016 | Liturgical Seasons
Last time I offered some Transcendence. This time I want to offer Sheer Joy! These few things fill my heart with laughter or happiness or wonder or all of them at the same time. Enjoy them! The first is probably my favorite minute and twenty-two seconds on Youtube....
by Coracle | Dec 2, 2016 | Coracle News
Click to view and download Coracle’s Annual Report for 2016. Please read and rejoice with us in all the things God has done and is doing!
by Coracle | Nov 27, 2016 | Liturgical Seasons
By: Giovanna Meek (Coracle Intern, Summer 2016) It’s not uncommon that a caring Christian, especially one with an evangelical heart, might ask someone “do you know Jesus?” And, if a Christian is responding, she might begin with “well, yes…” and continue by sharing...
by Coracle | Nov 18, 2016 | Contemplative Life, Justice and Mercy
Hear the recording of Bill’s talk. “The Deepest Things Haven’t Changed” given at the World Vision DC office on November 16, 2016 in the wake of the 2016 Presidential election. There is a handout referenced in the talk, which you can...
by Coracle | Nov 18, 2016 | Justice and Mercy
Earlier this year in Austin, the ACNA launched the Matthew 25 Gathering with its inaugural conference titled “Anglican Justice and Mercy-Contending for Shalom”. A group of over 60 practitioners and leaders from around the ACNA who are engaged in...
by Coracle | Nov 8, 2016 | Contemplative Life
Story and Photos by: Dean Luckenbaugh On a cool, cloudy Monday morning, I finished breakfast with a friend and headed from the DC suburbs to a quiet country retreat for a day set aside to hear from God. Against my will, the radio stayed off and I prayed through...
by Coracle | Nov 5, 2016 | Spiritual Direction
People are hungry to go deeper in God, hungry to know Jesus, grow in Jesus, and be the presence of Jesus in a hurting world. That’s what we’re encountering all the time through Coracle. There’s more desire than we can keep up with. Thankfully, God keeps bringing...
by Coracle | Nov 3, 2016 | Contemplative Life, Spiritual Direction
By: Heather Strube, Spiritual Director for Coracle in Baltimore, MD. As I discerned whether or not to walk forward with formalized training in Spiritual Direction, I have had to answer this question multiple times already from curious (and skeptical) friends. My...
by Coracle | Nov 3, 2016 | Contemplative Life
By: Giovanna Meek (Corhaven Intern – Summer 2016) It’s not uncommon that a caring Christian, especially one with an evangelical heart, might ask someone “do you know Jesus?” And, if a Christian is responding, she might begin with “well, yes…” and continue by...
by Coracle | Oct 28, 2016 | For the World, Pilgrimage
“Heal the sick in the town and say, ‘The Kingdom of God has come near to you’.” Jesus in Luke 10.9 For the past seven years, each September, the 8th grade class from Cambridge School in Baltimore has come down to Corhaven to begin their year with three days of...
by Coracle | Oct 3, 2016 | Contemplative Life, For the World
Reflections by Hannah Zachman, a Theological Horizons Fellow 2017 Original post can be found here. In early September, the Horizons Fellows drove out through the rolling hills and harvest-ready fields of the Shenandoah Valley to experience a weekend of reflection,...