
Author: Bill Haley

A Pastoral Word in These Crazy Days

A Pastoral Word in These Crazy Days

  Friends, it’s been a dizzying few weeks with current events and the news cycle. I wonder if you too catch yourself feeling emotionally and intellectually seasick?  It’s a lot to keep track of, it’s a lot to feel, it’s a lot to hold. Here’s just a short and...
A big (actually amazing) announcement from Coracle

A big (actually amazing) announcement from Coracle

Dear Friends, It gives me great joy to let you know that God has been and is doing “more than we could ask or imagine” (Eph. 3.20) in the ministry of Coracle!  Read on about that, but first let me say thank you again for your faithful support of this ministry.  You...
The Love of God in Your Direction

The Love of God in Your Direction

This past weekend I was privileged to be the speaker for the annual men’s retreat of Redeemer Anglican Church in Richmond, well pastored by the Rev. Dan Marotta.  It was sweet, my deepest memories are of the one on one conversations I got to enjoy.  The topics were...
“Spring Beauty”

“Spring Beauty”

In this “Space for God: Beauty” devotional, Rev. Bill Haley (Coracle Executive Director) guides us into an uplifting meditation on the beauty of the spring season.  He weaves together music, footage of creation, and scripture to help us behold and magnify...
A Prayer for Ash Wednesday

A Prayer for Ash Wednesday

For a long time I’ve liked to think of Lent as a coming home, a turning around from whatever takes me from God and a coming back home into the arms of the loving forgiveness of God.  It’s a time to reflect on the subtleties of sin and sins in our own lives, for...
“Introduction to Breath Prayer”

“Introduction to Breath Prayer”

In this “Space for God” devotional, Rev. Bill Haley (Coracle Exec. Dir.) guides us into the ancient practice of breath prayer.  Through this simple but profound practice, we can experience God’s indwelling, loving presence at any time in any place.  We pray you...
Shine Where You (And We) Are

Shine Where You (And We) Are

Did you know that in the church year, Epiphany can be celebrated on a day, or for a whole season?  This year I’m appreciating remembering that Jesus is the light of the world, the epiphany of God, who still shines, and wants to through us.  That’s the invitation and...
Fear Not! A Look Ahead to 2024

Fear Not! A Look Ahead to 2024

Friends, 2024 is upon us, what will be an interesting year to be sure, full of graces and challenges.  Throughout the Advent and Christmas readings we all just heard, you probably noticed the angel messengers always led with “Fear not”, a timeless word that happens to...