
Fathers & First Things:  A Corhaven Retreat

Fathers & First Things: A Corhaven Retreat

Join us August 2nd-3rd for 24 hours as a gathering of men seeking Jesus explore together what it might mean to be a faithful man today through our Fathers & First Things open retreat at Corhaven. Q: Do I need to be a father to participate? A: You do not need to be...
“In God’s Story: Faith Amidst Fear”

“In God’s Story: Faith Amidst Fear”

In this “Space for God” devotional, Ken Wettig (Coracle Community Minister) guides us through a reflection on fear, in the Biblical story and in our lives.  Focusing on the story of Abraham, Ken unpacks how God consistently calls his people to live lives...
“A Communal Ethos: Hebrews 10”

“A Communal Ethos: Hebrews 10”

In this “Space for God: BIBLE,” Rev. Chris Lugo (Coracle Community Minister) guides us into a reflection on Hebrews 10.  This powerful passage offers us a way of being together that we desperately need in a time of political polarization and social...
A Pastoral Word in These Crazy Days

A Pastoral Word in These Crazy Days

  Friends, it’s been a dizzying few weeks with current events and the news cycle. I wonder if you too catch yourself feeling emotionally and intellectually seasick?  It’s a lot to keep track of, it’s a lot to feel, it’s a lot to hold. Here’s just a short and...
A Story of Separation and Redemption

A Story of Separation and Redemption

Dear Friends, This year I have been impacted by the power of story.  We’ve all heard them from our friends, family, TV shows and social media feeds.  Some stories are good, they encourage, inspire, and mold us into who we are!  I have shared some of those stories...
You’re Invited to “Light Shines”

You’re Invited to “Light Shines”

You’re invited to join us for an evening of community, food, and stories of growth, as we celebrate God’s work in and through Coracle, at our first-ever fundraising event on June 6! Please RSVP by May 28 to Jessica Clark.
Psalm 119 and (My) Spiritual Formation

Psalm 119 and (My) Spiritual Formation

Psalm 119, I know, – the largest Psalm, 176 verses, 22 stanzas of 8 verses each, an acrostic, arranged by the Hebrew alphabet, and, and, and – daunting in many ways. At least, that is how I often came to Psalm 119.  More recently though, Psalm 119 has become the...
“Remembering the Communion of Saints”

“Remembering the Communion of Saints”

In this “Space for God” devotional, Margot Eyring (Coracle Spiritual Direction Coordinator) guides us through a reflection on the power of remembering the legacies of the saints who went before us and shaped our own lives of faith.  Sharing scriptures and moving...
Companions for the Journey

Companions for the Journey

At Coracle we talk a lot about formation (it is part of our mission, after all!) and the truth that everything is forming us, in one way or another. If you’ve been around us for a while, you’re probably quite familiar with the questions: How is God loving me in this?...
A big (actually amazing) announcement from Coracle

A big (actually amazing) announcement from Coracle

Dear Friends, It gives me great joy to let you know that God has been and is doing “more than we could ask or imagine” (Eph. 3.20) in the ministry of Coracle!  Read on about that, but first let me say thank you again for your faithful support of this ministry.  You...
“Cultivating Beauty with Jesus”

“Cultivating Beauty with Jesus”

In this “Space for God: Beauty” Dr. Scott Buresh (Coracle Community Minister) guides us into an expansive and enticing vision of God’s kingdom of beauty, justice, and shalom—starting with our particular place and God-ordained tasks.  He guides us...
The Love of God in Your Direction

The Love of God in Your Direction

This past weekend I was privileged to be the speaker for the annual men’s retreat of Redeemer Anglican Church in Richmond, well pastored by the Rev. Dan Marotta.  It was sweet, my deepest memories are of the one on one conversations I got to enjoy.  The topics were...
“Spring Beauty”

“Spring Beauty”

In this “Space for God: Beauty” devotional, Rev. Bill Haley (Coracle Executive Director) guides us into an uplifting meditation on the beauty of the spring season.  He weaves together music, footage of creation, and scripture to help us behold and magnify...