
Category: Contemplative Life

“Psalm 139 in Story & Song”

“Psalm 139 in Story & Song”

In this “Space for God: Bible”, Kristy Wallace Grant (Repentance Project Director) guides us into an encounter with Psalm 139 in all its beauty and fullness.  Drawing together Scripture, story, and song from different cultures, she invites us to worship...
(Artificial) Intelligence and Wisdom

(Artificial) Intelligence and Wisdom

I find artificial intelligence, “AI”, interesting and intriguing.  I am reading articles about the possibilities and potential of AI, listening to what is said, and watching movies. I recently rewatched Free Guy starring Ryan Reynolds.  In the movie, “Guy” is a...
Psalm 23 & Henry Ossawa Tanner

Psalm 23 & Henry Ossawa Tanner

In this “Space for God: Beauty” devotional, Scott Buresh (Coracle Community Minister) guides us into an encounter with an artistic interpretation of Psalm 23 by African-American painter Henry Ossawa Tanner.  Scott first offers space for imaginative prayer with both...
Rest for the Heart: Updates at Corhaven

Rest for the Heart: Updates at Corhaven

Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me – watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or...
The River of Love

The River of Love

Brent Snader, a participant in our 2022 Coracle Fellowship cohort, shares a poetic response to his time in the program.   The River of Love Formed by the Spirit to serve my King There is no greater goal, no higher thing. Thanks be to God the work is already begun...
Chrysalis Whispers

Chrysalis Whispers

Carly Smith, a participant in our 2022 Coracle Fellowship cohort, shares a poetic response to her time in the program and what she learns about the truth of God from watching nature around her. Chrysalis WhispersI gaze on you young one. You fill your life with green....