
Author: Bill Haley

Good, New, and Exciting for 2015!

Good, New, and Exciting for 2015!

Dear friends and fellow-pilgrims!   This is one of those occasions when I want to personally share some important developments for all of us and a few sentiments.   Thanks for reading to the bottom, and I’ll be as brief as I possibly can!  If you make it all the way...

The Slave Cemetery at Corhaven

I’ve been waiting five years for this.  On the property of Corhaven, there is a slave cemetery dating from the mid-1800s.   While we’ve quietly and prayerfully tended it, it’s time to really honor our brothers and sisters who lay there.  This is no small feat, and one...
Farther and More! Help for 2015

Farther and More! Help for 2015

Dear dear friends and fellow pilgrims,  Happy Advent to you!  A new year dawns.  A great year has passed.   I want to tell you about the amazing 2014 that Coracle has had.  Truly, God is giving us great grace to see our mission actually happen, “inspiring and enabling...

A Poem at the Start of Advent

“At the Beginning of Advent”  by Bill Haley Father, now comes Advent again, Our response is to pause, and recall, That you sent Jesus, for us and for the world, Your glory unfurled vulnerably sweet, that we might see who You are, and be your body to this suffering...
“Shine in the Darkness” (with audio)

“Shine in the Darkness” (with audio)

The following address was offered at the Opening Eucharist of the 2014 Synod of the Diocese of the Mid-Atlantic of the Anglican Church of North America, held in Woodbridge, VA on November 15, 2014. Coracle · Shine In The Darkness In Philippians 2.15, Paul speaks of “a...

A Car Dealership Doing the Work of God

“All work is God’s work.”  “Your work matters to God.”  “You are priests in the public square.”  “All church member’s are ministers.”  “Vocation is integral, not incidental, to the mission of God.”   These are assertive phrases one hears a lot around a church that...

“Love Notes in Falling Leaves”

It is the season of autumn, my favorite by far and we’ve had some stunning, breathtaking days of beauty, haven’t we?   I cannot help but be reminded of the poem  God’s World by Edna St. Vincent Millay:  O world, I cannot hold thee close enough!  Thy winds, thy...

A Most Powerful Prayer

Charles de Foucauld (1858-1916) from France was a small and simple man whose unusual life of great faith and sacrifice would come to inspire many Christians and non-Christians alike. Serving in the French army in north Africa, the religious devotion of the Muslims he...

“1201 in 5” Campaign

Dear friends and fellow-pilgrims, it’s summer so I’m going to keep this short and sweet!  So many good things are going on with Coracle and at Corhaven, and more is coming.   We’re at a place of being more ready and really wanting to invite more people into the...
More Heartbreak in Bethlehem

More Heartbreak in Bethlehem

Exactly one year ago today I was in Israel and Palestine with The Telos Group.  My full blogs about that can be found here.  It could have been that exactly one year ago I visited the Tent of Nations, a stunning example of Christian faith, life, and what it means to...
“The Bathroom and More” Project!

“The Bathroom and More” Project!

  Friends and fellow-pilgrims, we’ve heard your cries!  And so, it seems, has God.  He’s been providing wonderfully already, and now we need your help. If you’ve been out to Corhaven, you know the need.  It’s the most consistent feedback we’ve received from...

Deep Inspiration from a Life Cut Short

Recently while in China, I had the opportunity to reconnect with Chris Hickey, a good man who I’d gotten to know while at St. Brendan’s.  He shared with me a hard story of the death of one of his good friends, Brad Ipema, who died too young. Chris forwarded on to me...

The Smallest Things Matter the Most

Yesterday, I bumped across a couple of brief writings from some great souls that were essentially saying the same thing.   Basically, don’t worry too much about the big picture, but rather love the people who are actually around you with great love, and do the things...