
Author: Amy Boucher Pye

“Poetry and Prayer”

“Poetry and Prayer”

In this “Space for God: Beauty” devotional, Amy Boucher Pye (Author, Coracle Spiritual Director) guides us into a time of poetry and prayer. She introduces us to the poetry of Amy Scott Robinson, as well as the biblical poetic form of the refrain. Ultimately, she...
“Holding onto Hope”

“Holding onto Hope”

In this “Space for God” devotional, Amy Boucher Pye (Author and Coracle Spiritual Director) guides us into three powerful verses from 2 Corinthians 4.  Through them, she helps us keep our gaze fixed on those things which are unchanging and eternal, even as parts of...
“Thin Spaces”

“Thin Spaces”

In this “Space for God,” author and Coracle Spiritual Director Amy Boucher Pye offers us an introduction to and reflection on the concept of “thin spaces.”  She invites us to consider the liminal spaces in our lives and asks how we might...
“Personalizing Psalm 23”

“Personalizing Psalm 23”

In this “Space for God” devotional, Amy Boucher Pye (Coracle Spiritual Director) shares a practice she has come to deeply value for its ability to draw God into the very midst of our daily life—our needs, desires, and feelings. By personalizing Psalm 23, we can come...
“Imagining the Annunciation”

“Imagining the Annunciation”

In this “Space for God,” Amy Boucher Pye (Author and Coracle Spiritual Director) guides us through an Imaginative Gospel Reading of the Annunciation to Mary from Luke 1. She helps us enter into this powerful story with all of our senses engaged, drawing us closer to...