Coracle exists to inspire and enable people to be the presence of God in the brokenness of the world through spiritual formation for Kingdom action.
Our vision is to provide spiritual direction, discipleship, personal and group retreats, sacramental ministry, pilgrimages, ministries of mercy and justice, mission trips and creation care in order to help people be fully alive for the sake of the world.
Since the first centuries of the Christian church and across the Catholic, Orthodox, and Protestant spectrum, noteworthy leaders have made the same assertion, and it is a bold one (see right).
C.S. Lewis writes: “Every Christian is to become a little Christ. The whole purpose of becoming a Christian is simply nothing else.” He continues, “This is the whole of Christianity. There is nothing else….The Church exists for nothing else but to draw men into Christ, to make them little Christs. If they are not, all the cathedrals, clergy, missions, sermons, even the Bible itself, are simply a waste of time. God became man for no other purpose.”
That’s what Coracle is about most fundamentally: helping each other say a loud “Yes!” to the invitation to share in the life of Jesus while we’re in the world – to incarnate the Incarnation – and share the love of Jesus to this beautiful and broken world, for the glory of God empowered by the Holy Spirit.
“Through his transcendent love, our Lord Jesus Christ became what we are, that he might make us into what he is.”
St. Irenaeus“God became man that man might become God.”
St. Athanasius“God wanted to be the Son of Man and he wanted men and women to be Sons of God.”
St. Augustine“For the Word becomes flesh precisely so that the flesh may become word.”
Martin Luther“The Son of God became a man to enable men and women to become sons of God.”
C.S. LewisOur Story
Coracle, the non-profit ministry we established in 2012, exists to inspire and enable people to be the presence of God in the world by offering spiritual formation and Kingdom action. We help people become who they are in Christ so that through Christ they can bring God’s kingdom to a broken world through their lives, relationships, vocations, service, and risks.
It all started with Bill and Tara Haley discerning a call to move out of the inner city of Washington, D.C., into the country to a place now known as Corhaven, our retreat home in Virginia’s Shenandoah Valley, and part of the larger ministry of Coracle.
While some of the ministry efforts of Coracle happen at Corhaven, many things that Coracle offers happen in Northern Virginia, Washington, D.C., Baltimore, across the country and around the world.
Coracle provides:
- Spiritual Direction for those who don’t know where to get it. Our network of more than 30 spiritual directors serves members of the clergy and leaders of churches, businesses and non-profits. We help mature the mature.
- Retreats, gatherings, fellowships and internships that offer access to classic Christian spiritual practices to those who want to celebrate, explore, and live the unity within the Great Tradition. We help those longing for “More” find it.
- Places to encounter God, including Corhaven, for those who wouldn’t otherwise know where to go, or who need some guidance on retreat. We help those looking for God to find Him and be found.
- A connection between contemplation and action that holds them inextricably together, and offers spiritual formation for ‘activists’ and for ministries of justice and mercy. We help those on the front-lines of the brokenness of the world stay there and thrive there.
- Opportunities for peace-making, reconciliation, pilgrimage, justice, and creation-care, locally, regionally, and globally. We help the Kingdom come and partner with others who do the same.
- Opportunities for individuals to more freely and broadly offer their gifts in the world. We help people become who God has made them to be for the good of the world.
Year after year, we have seen God continue to draw more and more people into his loving arms. We are thrilled and delighted that God would choose to use the ministry of Coracle in this way and pray, and hope you will pray with us, that He continues to do so. We hope we’ll get a chance to get to know you through a retreat, the Coracle Fellowship program, our Community, or one of many other ways we have to connect. Thanks for visiting!

Bill Haley
Executive Director
The Rev. Bill Haley is the founder and Executive Director of Coracle. A graduate of Bethel College (1991) and Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary (magna cum laude, 1994), he is an Anglican priest and spiritual director, having completed his training with the Shalem Institute for Spiritual Formation (2007). His life has been profoundly shaped by many international experiences, particularly in places of deep brokenness in the world, and he has devoted many years to ministering in urban contexts, especially in inner-city Washington DC. With his wife Tara and four kids, Bill lives in Falls Church, Virginia.
Bill currently serves on the board for the Center for Formation, Justice and Peace, and has served as chairman of the board for the Anglican Relief and Development Fund, and on the Advisory Council for The Telos Group. From 1996-2019 he ministered with The Falls Church in Falls Church, VA in a number of different capacities, including Director of Outreach and Associate Rector, and was the founding Rector of St. Brendan’s in the City in Washington DC. He served as the Director of Formation for The Washington Institute and previously served as president of The Regeneration Forum and publisher of re:generation quarterly, a magazine devoted to “community transforming culture”. He has also served on staff at the Servant Leadership School of the Church of the Savior, was a founding board member and then President of the Southeast DC Partners.
Because of such diverse experiences in life and around the world, and so many questions to ask, and so many things that matter, Bill’s life has been fired by the phrase “in Christ all things hold together.” He wants to be able to live and say with the same passion of St. Paul, “It is no longer I who live, it is Christ who lives in me.”
Bill's publications includes his book, Essential Christianity and articles in The Washington Post, re:generation quarterly, Prism and Sojourners magazines, Inward/Outward of The Servant Leadership School, The Cry of Word Made Flesh, and with The Washington Institute. He has compiled several original editions of poetry and prayers. His interests include hiking and fly-fishing, the visual arts and music, reading, writing, and long conversations over a good cup of coffee (or wine).

Bill Haley
Executive Director

Kevin & Denise Goertzen
Corhaven Hosts
Kevin Goertzen is an ordained Mennonite pastor, having served churches in Oklahoma, Kansas, and Virginia for over 25 years. Although he has spent most of his career serving one specific branch of the organized church, Kevin’s heart has always been towards building bridges between people and groups who see things differently, whether between congregations or between people of diverse perspectives within the same congregation. Along with that, he strives to make faith accessible to all, and to make the church a place that welcomes people from every walk of life.
Kevin is a person who loves to be out in the woods, and the farther “out” the better, with a special love for backpacking – alone or with others – in national parks and wilderness areas. The woods, the night sky, a rushing creek or a crackling fire bring out the best in him, and draw him closer to the heart of God.
Kevin enjoys sports, outdoor recreation (especially biking), and table games. And all of these things are even more enjoyable when shared with his family (2 adult children and their spouses, a 2-year-old grandson, and a granddaughter on the way).
Kevin has a bit of experience offering spiritual direction through one seminary class in the late 90’s, and has been the beneficiary of having a spiritual director off and on since that time. Corhaven feels like a perfect fit for him, in that it holds together so many things that are important to him: connecting with God in creation; spiritual direction; care for pastors; the value of retreat; and racial justice.
Denise was born and raised on a dairy/crop farm in the Mid-West. She was the only girl joining three older brothers. Rising early gave her the blessing of watching the Kansas sunrise break forth from the horizon and give perspective to “meeting the day”. If one is fortunate, you can also watch the sun make its sleepy way toward the horizon closing out each of the Lord’s days.
Denise loves to be outside but is also at home in the kitchen. She was the owner of a grassroots business, Voran-Goertzen Peppernuts, that allowed her to be a stay-at-home Mom. Kevin and Denise share two adult children, Jesus holds the third. They are blessed to be Nana and Pop to Grandson Ryan and Granddaughter coming soon.
Being one who has experienced the pain of loss and miraculous healing, Denise believes that our God-stories are to be shared. She is currently writing a book and sees that God is bringing her to Corhaven to actually have silence to write.
Denise has a BS in Christian Ministries, as well as one year of training in Gestalt Pastoral Care. Denise spent three years as Associate Pastor at Springdale Mennonite Church alongside Kevin. They found that their gifts complimented one another.
After the church chapter closed, God led Denise to open an Airbnb in her home. Little did she know, that God would build a ministry through this season of 6.5 years. Turns out this was the prepping ground for Corhaven.
Denise believes that the Kingdom of God comes close naturally as the Spirit moves us to be present, inviting others to have a cup of coffee or a meal. Denise senses the Spirit saying to "Stay behind the Holy Spirit" and to seek "manna for TODAY." Denise is excited and so humbled that God would lead them to Corhaven through their friend Maren Hange.

Kevin & Denise Goertzen
Corhaven Hosts

Wanda Bickers
Baltimore Administrator
Wanda grew up in Northern Virginia and attended Liberty University. After college, she began working in the marketplace and was a volunteer leader with Young Life. She was offered a job with Young Life in the Mid-Atlantic region, packed up and moved to Baltimore which has been her home for the last 25+ years. She has worked at Grace Fellowship Church since 2001 in a variety of roles, currently as the Pastor of Connections. She loves seeing people finding their place in the family and the life of the church. She also serves in Baltimore City as a volunteer with Young Lives, Young Life’s ministry that serves teen moms and their babies. Ask her about it! Over the years Wanda’s faith as deepened by some very intentional Bible study groups and being a part of the Transforming Center’s 2 year program ~ the Transforming Community. This propelled her journey deeper into the spiritual disciplines and spiritual direction. Wanda began receiving spiritual direction at Kavanna House in York, PA. Much to her surprise the Lord began stirring her heart about becoming a Spiritual Director. He continued to open the doors and she has loved the experience. Wanda cherishes the opportunity to meet with people and create a safe place for them to explore the presence for the Lord in their daily lives. She has a particular heart for mentoring women, ministry staff and volunteer leaders. In addition to serving as one of Coracle's Spiritual Directors, she is also lending her administrative and organizational gifts to the Coracle team in Baltimore.

Wanda Bickers
Baltimore Administrator

NaTasha Brown
Programs Manager
NaTasha is a woman of God, called and chosen to fulfill her purpose to free others as she has been freed. She believes that this is a call for us all, to take the lessons in which we have learned, reach out to others and teach them.
She has a diverse background that has cultivated her spiritual formation journey and ultimately led her to be planted in the Non-Denominational Church. She believes that as it reads in 1 Corinthians 12: 12 “ For just as the body is one and has many members, and all the members of the body, though many, are one body, so it is with Christ.”
She was introduced to Coracle through its Baltimore’s Fellows program! It is in this program that her eyes were opened to the intentional journey God had her growing along all of her life in Christ. She loves to not only learn about the spiritual formation journey of others but also cultivates spaces, hosts events, as well as, develops, manages and facilitates programs for people to meet with, hear from and grow in the knowledge of our Holy Triune God in order to fulfill their divine purposes they were created for.
She loves nature and retreats there often as it is her special place to commune with God! She also loves spending time with her family, mentees and last but certainly not least her dog Blu! She believes where there is great company and great food you will surely have a great time! NaTasha is an Author, Artist, Coach, Community Activator, Mentor, Speaker, Program Developer and Manager who uses her gifts, skills and talents to better her communities in which she is called to and those in it.
A former Baltimore City Juvenile Case Manager, former Baltimore City Public School Teacher with a Bachelor of Arts in Sociology from The Hampton University, NaTasha is a Catalyst for Change!

NaTasha Brown
Programs Manager

Scott Buresh
Community Minister for Baltimore
Scott’s journey with spiritual direction began with the discovery of the deep impact C.S. Lewis’s relationship with his spiritual director had on his formation. After a number of years benefitting deeply from spiritual direction he was delightfully surprised to sense the invitation to pursue training in direction with Sustainable Faith and Kavanna House in York, PA. Scott delights in walking with men and women as they create space to recognize the loving presence of God in their lives.
Scott has long had a passion for the wedding of social justice and mission across the globe. These interlocking passions led to degrees in Asian Studies and Missions, a PhD in Anthropology from the University of Virginia, the founding of Cambridge School which partners with Cuirim House in Mexico to connect students from Baltimore with families on the border, field work among rural communities in Indonesia, and over twenty years of walking with students at Towson University as they discover their God-given destinies in the world.
Scott is the proud father of three adult daughters and a member of the Anglican Church of the Resurrection in Baltimore.

Scott Buresh
Community Minister for Baltimore

Erin Chartier
Accounts Manager

Jessica Clark
Development Manager
Jessica was first introduced to Coracle through a friend in 2018. What seemed like a “random conversation” at the time was, of course, not random at all. Since then, she has enjoyed partaking in many Coracle offerings, including the Coracle Fellowship Program in 2019 and the Corhaven Summer Internship in 2022, both of which were deeply instrumental and transformative in her life.
Jessica’s professional background includes a variety of roles in development, communications, theatre, customer service, and administrative support. Most recently, she focused on communications and development for the George Mason University Libraries and the Center for Mason Legacies – a research center examining the past and present influences of the university’s namesake with a focus on telling the fuller story of the northern Virginia region and the legacy of enslavement.
Jessica holds her MA in English Literature from George Mason University, her BA in Medieval Studies from UC Davis, and is currently pursuing her graduate certificate in Spiritual Formation from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary. She is animated by exploring questions surrounding how we are formed, creating sustainable and life-giving rhythms, and embracing theology that centers our dignity and belovedness as children of God, rescued and redeemed by Jesus.

Jessica Clark
Development Manager

Margot Eyring
Spiritual Direction Coordinator
Margot’s journey of faith is an ecumenical one rooted in a deep love for Jesus and his ways. She has been committed to a multi-denominational community of faith in DC, Washington Community Fellowship, for almost 23 years. For the last 9 years, she has been sent to Capitol Hill United Methodist Church and volunteers there most weekday mornings at Our Daily Bread breakfast for housed and unhoused neighbors. Her therapy dog, Prudence, joins her to provide comfort and “lovies” to all who come. Growing up in a family who moved multiple times and invited many wanderers into their home has given Margot a heart for people seeking a place to belong, hospitality, and the beauty of all of God’s creation. She finds joy in hosting friends, celebrations and personal retreats in her home and also meets Spiritual Direction and Supervision clients there (and online). Her Ph.D. in “preventive mental health,” M.A. in the area of Christian formation, B.F.A. in studio art, and post-graduate work in contemplative group practice, personal and professional coaching, and yoga provide a broad education and experience that shapes her approach to Spiritual Direction, Direction Supervision and retreat leadership. The overwhelming responsibilities and trauma incurred from the death of her parents in an overseas car accident over 17 years ago resulted in a shift in the focus of her calling from teaching college students to walking with people in everyday life—particularly those who are asking questions, are marginalized, or are just searching for something more. In her own contemplative practice, Margot is currently exploring Ignatian Spirituality and the use of the creative imagination to connect with God in the everyday. She is also becoming a fan of professional Rugby in DC! Because Margot believes we are all called to be active participants in God’s Shalom in the world, she helps people pay attention to God’s presence in the present moment, in order to become more fully the person they are created to be, to connect more deeply with God and others, and to be more thoughtful and intentional about their doings.

Margot Eyring
Spiritual Direction Coordinator

Holly Scarberry
Communications Manager
Holly was born and raised in the beautiful Shenandoah Valley. She holds an undergraduate degree in English and a Master’s in Library Science. She has also spent time working towards a master’s degree with the good folks at Eastern Mennonite Seminary.
While living in Northern Virginia in 2015, Holly had the opportunity to work at a seminary library. This experience proved pivotal, as all of her interests in literature, research, and theology merged together. Most of her career has been in academic libraries, where she taught information literacy and helped students navigate the ever-changing world of research. It was also around this time that she first learned about Coracle through her church. She has long admired the mission, wisdom, and hospitality that Coracle offers to fellow pilgrims on the journey. Holly is excited to join the team and to have the opportunity to share in the good news of God’s renewal of all things.
Holly is married to Ryan and they currently reside in Williamsburg, VA with their daughter, Lydia. When she doesn’t have her nose in a book, she enjoys riding her bike around Jamestown Island, walking with her dog (Murphy), cooking, and kayaking the James River.

Holly Scarberry
Communications Manager

Kristy Watkins
Operations Manager
Kristy was raised in Northeast Mississippi and moved to Texas after earning her bachelor's degree in Secondary Education from Mississippi State University. She taught high school English for twelve years before moving to Arlington, VA, to pursue a master's degree in Education Policy from The George Washington University. During this time, Kristy began working with Alexandria City Public Schools' Adult Education Program where she taught ESOL at various levels and prepared students to take the GED subject area tests. This experience expanded Kristy's understanding of and empathy toward both adult learners and immigrants, and she considers it a great privilege to have played a small part in their lives.
After graduating from GW, Kristy returned to the high school classroom for a year and a half before sensing God's call that it was time to leave. She is excited to join Coracle and put her administrative skills to good use! In her free time, Kristy likes to read, travel, and take naps with her dog, Lola.

Kristy Watkins
Operations Manager

Ken Wettig
Community Minister for the Shenandoah Valley
Ken Wettig is Coracle’s Community Minister for the Shenandoah Valley. As a husband, and father of four children, Ken has sought creative ways to cultivate the kind of family life which invites others into a deeper experience of the family of God. Most of Ken’s early ministry experience occurred amidst those dealing with profound personal brokenness and social isolation. For four years, Ken served as a board member of Our Community Place, a non-profit dedicated to creating community among Harrisonburg’s most marginalized population. Then in 2009 he joined their staff to help found and direct a new Christian residential recovery program called Our Community Farm. As director of that program for five years, Ken and his family ministered to, and shared their daily lives with those struggling with substance abuse and addiction. In 2008 Ken and his wife Emily also helped to found Early Church, an Anabaptist church in the North End of Harrisonburg, VA. From 2015-2023 Ken served the Early Church community in a pastoral role. In 2019 Ken completed his Masters Degree in Christian Leadership from Eastern Mennonite Seminary, with a certificate in Theology, and a focus on Christian Formation. In 2020, amidst the impacts of the pandemic and evidence of intense social isolation and secularization among adolescents Ken initiated a new program called SLAQ aimed at spiritual formation among the next generation. With the mission of raising up diverse cohorts, among the next generation, serving leaders in the way of Jesus through real-Life adventure, service, and wisdom.
Ken first discovered Coracle nearly seven years ago, initially using Corhaven as a place of retreat during the intense season of ministry among addicts, and later through the Spiritual Direction of Coracle’s founder Bill Haley. Ken believes that even amidst the profound brokenness of the world, God, through His Spirit, is setting up signposts throughout the world which bear witness to the New Creation in Christ; whatever he does, Ken hopes his family’s life is counted among those signposts.

Ken Wettig
Community Minister for the Shenandoah Valley

Christine Lee Buchholz
Christine Lee Buchholz is passionate about fighting for justice. Most recently, she served as a Senior Advisor in the US Department of State's Office to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons. She led the Office’s efforts to honor the 20th anniversary of the Trafficking Victims Protection Act, working closely with the White House to host a summit on human trafficking and publishing a 20th Anniversary Retrospective. She previously worked on anti-trafficking initiatives in Haiti, India, and the United States as an advisor, consultant, and donor and served on the founding boards of the Human Trafficking Institute and Restavek Freedom. She also worked as a management consultant, leading organizational development projects with federal and state governments.
Christine has a Bachelor of Arts in Economics from Wellesley College and earned a Master in Public Policy from Harvard Kennedy School. She grew up worshiping at the Korean Central Presbyterian Church in northern VA. Through the years, she has been a part of many different churches of varying denominations; for the past decade, she has worshipped at an Anglican church. She and her husband Ryan met as Fellows with the Congressional Hunger Center and have two thoughtful children.

Christine Lee Buchholz

Kendrick Curry
Kendrick is an inner-city pastor (12 years now at Pennsylvania Avenue Baptist Church), and thus very sensitive to Kingdom issues as they relate to the city, AND at the same time is contemplative. He is a man of discernment, a man profoundly acquainted with pain, and committed to the good of DC through serving on the community level and also on the structural level. He actively participates in the faith community and the community at-large. He is active with the Progressive National Baptist Convention, the DC Worker’s Rights Review Board, and many racial reconciliation efforts. He holds a B.S. in Chemical Engineering from Prairie View A&M University. He earned M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Chemical Engineering from the University of Michigan, and the Master of Divinity from the Samuel DeWitt Proctor School of Theology at Virginia Union University. He completed the Clergy Spiritual Life and Leadership Program at Shalem Institute of Spiritual Formation, and the Pastoral Excellence Program of the Lott Carey Foreign Mission Convention. He is married to the Reverend Karen Whitney Curry and is the proud father of two wonderful children: Keyona and Kendrick, II.

Kendrick Curry

Rich Dean
Rich Dean, chairman of the board of Coracle, is an attorney with Baker & McKenzie in Washington DC, where he advises on corporate compliance transactions specializing in international affairs and corruption cases. Previously he served as managing partner in the Washington, DC, Moscow and St. Petersburg offices of Coudert Brothers. He’s authored several articles for various publications, including Financier Worldwide and International Corporate Governance Review, and also lectures on emerging markets and international financial crimes in the University of Virginia School of Law.
More than this though, Rich is a faithful member of The Falls Church Anglican, and has served in just about every leadership capacity there is at the church. He’s a devoted student and teacher of the Bible, a devoted husband of Sue, and devoted father and grandfather. Rich lives in northern Virginia, when he’s not traveling for work or to see family.

Rich Dean

Bill Deiss
Bill is the Executive Director of the Anglican Relief and Development Fund after serving since 1996 as the Parish Administrator for The Falls Church Anglican. He’s married to Nancy, with grown kids and still growing grandkids.
He received a BSE degree in Aeronautical Engineering from Princeton University. After college, he worked in the space program with General Electric and continued his education at the University of Pennsylvania and the University of Toledo, earning a combined master’s degree in Industrial Engineering and Business Administration. That degree led him to positions in corporate planning, mergers and acquisitions, division financial controller, and international management with Owens-Illinois, Inc., in Toledo, Ohio, where he held a nine-year assignment expanding and overseeing their manufacturing/trading operations in Asia. He also was Vice-Chairman of the Singapore International Chamber of Commerce and on the Board of Governors of the United World College of South East Asia.
Because of his desire to take the Word into the world, Bill has long been involved with TFCA outreach ministries, especially in Kazakhstan, at the SE White House and DC Partnership. He continues to oversee all TFC mission work and spiritual formation and discipleship ministries.
Bill brings to the Coracle board excellent business sense, a deep spirituality and hunger for spiritual growth, and an excitement to support this work any way he can. If something good needs to happen, Bill can always figure out a way to get it done.

Bill Deiss

Kate Harris
Assistant Treasurer
Kate Harris is a writer and consultant in the Washington DC area. Most recently she served as Executive Director of The Washington Institute for Faith, Vocation, and Culture. Prior to leading the Institute Kate also worked for Chuck Colson at Prison Fellowship Ministries, for Oxford Analytica, a global consultancy, and in strategic communications for U.S. Senate leadership on Capitol Hill. Kate is wife to a very good man and mother to their four children.

Kate Harris
Assistant Treasurer

Robert Krech
Robert Krech has worked for the World Bank Group for the past 10 years, primarily on helping countries rebuild after conflict. He has lived and worked in countries in Africa, South and East Asia, and Europe, implementing projects, presenting at conferences, and publishing in the areas of economic reconstruction. He has a graduate degree from the University of Toronto. He is a member of St Brendan’s in the City, an Anglican church. He is committed to healing prayer and spiritual formation. Robert is married with one daughter and lives in Washington, DC.

Robert Krech
Previous Board Members

Carol Jackson
Carol Jackson buried her Midwest roots in Mid-Atlantic soil. She married her William and Mary sweetheart and has remained a Virginian for 40 years, all the while enlightening her two daughters with her inherited “can do” attitude and her increasing love for Jesus since He met her where she was stubbornly in 1974. She has been blessed with an engaging career in non-profit organizations. For the last ten years she has directed affordable housing development to obtain permanently affordable rental housing for the working poor and retirees in price-inflated Northern Virginia. Carol has been eagerly discipled and spiritually directed as a 20 year member of The Falls Church Anglican, where she does her best by God’s grace to give back by serving on Vestry, healing prayer teams, lay eucharist ministry and local outreach ventures.

Carol Jackson

Soren Johnson
Soren Johnson has extensive leadership experience, including teaching and communications positions at Catholic secondary school and university levels, the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops and the Arlington Diocese. From 2008-2011, he served as senior vice president at Prison Fellowship International, a global prison ministry with members in over 120 countries. In 2006, he co-founded a nonprofit organization, the John Paul II Fellowship, which equips lay Catholics for the new evangelization while also working to renew Catholic community and culture. Johnson holds a bachelor’s of science in foreign service from Georgetown University and a master’s in theology from St. Vladimir’s Orthodox Theological Seminary. He currently serves the Arlington Diocese’s evangelization and media efforts. More important than all that, Soren’s married to Ever and together they have five sweet little children.

Soren Johnson

Katie Lundstrom
Katie Lundstrom is the CEO and founder of Firm Foundations, Inc., a consulting firm that helps leaders and their organizations navigate the change needed to achieve the ideal. Through consulting and coaching, Katie focuses organizations by helping them identify or clarify their purpose for existence and then charting the necessary paths to achieve the optimal outcomes. She has an MBA from the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill and a Coaching Certification from Newfield Network. She is a passionate convert to the Catholic faith and deeply cares about helping people live out their beliefs with intention in all venues of life. She has been greatly influenced by the Blessed John Paul II, St. Ignatius, and the recent works of Patrick Lencioni. She has raised three beautiful children who are all currently in college. She resides in Arlington, Virginia.

Katie Lundstrom

Bill Scherer (1941 - 2013)
After decades and generations of living in Indiana, Bill Scherer and his wife Gail moved to the Shenandoah Valley in 2005 to be closer to family – specifically Tara Haley (their daughter), her husband, Bill and the grandkids. Bill had a couple of careers, and most recently retired as a Financial Advisor. He was instrumental in the founding of Coracle and was a faithful servant to the ministry and to his family before he died on December 31, 2013.

Bill Scherer (1941 - 2013)
How We Partner with the Local Church
Coracle exists “to inspire and enable people to be the presence of God in the brokenness of the world through spiritual formation for Kingdom action.” Since 2012, we have consistently sought to help people say “Yes” to the amazing invitations that God makes to them through faith in Jesus – joining God’s mission of making God’s Kingdom more real on Earth and becoming more like Christ.
We know you share this desire to see your communities flourish, and we’d love to explore ways that Coracle can serve as a resource for your congregation, as well as how your church might support our ministry.
We offer a variety of pathways for people to engage in spiritual formation practices and pursue Kingdom action in their communities. Click here to read more.
To explore this joyful possibility further, please contact Rev. Bill Haley, Executive Director 202-320-3206 or execdirector@inthecoracle.org.
Over the years, we’ve worked closely with these friends, and maintained deep connections with most of them. These are ministries and people we love, with whom we’re so grateful to share in life and good labor, and we heartily recommend all of them.
We’re especially grateful for the ministry of these friends:
International Justice Mission
Christ House
Holy Cross Abbey
The Transforming Center
Campus for Human Development
Missionaries of Charity
The John Paul II Fellowship