

Corhaven Farm Updates

Well friends, the warm weather has finally come and, with it, abundant new life to Corhaven! The spring garden has been in the ground for nearly a month and we have been enjoying asparagus and rhubarb, while the leeks, onions, garlic, and shallots have sent up green spears. The peas are about to start climbing their trellis and the beets, broccoli, cauliflower, lacinato kale, chard, carrotsand variety of greens are slowing unfurling. The mint is exploding and the oregano, thyme and chives are already being snipped to add delicious flavor to much food. And I can’t forget the strawberries that are between flowering and fruiting. We cannot wait to start eating them straight from the garden and setting some aside to make jam this summer for Common Good Things!

Two weeks ago, we also decided to become a little Noah’s ark, bringing in several animals by the twos. Morgan and Charlie (above) are our new Berkshire-Hereford piglets, Big D and Bombur (right) are our angus calves (500 lbs each!), Barbara and Eshe (below) are our two new guinea fowl, and Lilly and Leila are the new sweet Silkie chicks. We are also incubating 18 guinea fowl eggs. We’ll know at the end of March if and how many will hatch. My 14 ladies have not known quite what to do with their two new guinea fowl coop mates but we think they are at least tolerating each other now.

We are having a great deal of fun with our new farm friends and so enjoying the beauty and the  bounty that Corhaven provides. Come see and enjoy if you’re out in the Valley!


It’s simple really… we were made (in part) to wisely steward God’s creation and treat it well. When we do that, it treats us well, a nice two way street, and God gets the glory for a great design. I hope you’ll join in some of these these offerings in the Valley, Baltimore, and Luray and benefit from creation stewarded well, and encounter the goodness and beauty of the Creator while enjoying the goodness and beauty of creation!
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