
Contemplative Life

The Astounding Gift of Rest

At a retreat over the weekend, I was struck anew by the gracious gifts of our Lord. During the teaching sessions, we were exploring the arc of God’s redemptive story, particularly highlighting His covenants with His people.

Many of us have gone to church services Sunday after Sunday. We’ve heard “Remember/Observe the Sabbath” countless times. We can take this gift for granted.

But the context in which God gives His people the Sabbath is quite staggering.

He has saved them and led them out of Egypt (cf. Ex. 13-15). They had endured years and years of slavery, of back-breaking labor with no rest. Into this context, to these exhausted people, He codifies a day of rest (cf. Ex. 20, 31). It is contained within His commands for their new life, but it is also a sign of His covenant with them, a sign of them being His people.

In essence He is saying, “This non-stop cycle of labor and exhaustion is not My will for you. This lack of freedom to worship Me is not My will for you. This lack of fellowship and feasts is not My will for you.”

Unlike circumcision, a physical sign given to males, the Sabbath was for everyone, male and female, of all ages. If foreigners entered their midst and sojourned with Israel, it also applied to them.

This is the God who has created us and claimed us: a God who offers Rest and tells us it is okay. In fact, it is more than okay.

In busy and overwhelming seasons, it can in turn seem impossible or indulgent to intentionally stop, to put down our labors, struggles, anxieties, and demands and take up rest, feasting, worship, and fellowship.

When everything appears to be in chaos, keeping a rhythm of work and rest can seem out of touch. Shouldn’t we just keep working and doing everything we can to make things better for as many people as possible?

And yet…

Rest is necessary for resilience.
Rest is necessary for response.
Rest is necessary full stop.
And part of our God-given design.

We are given much freedom in Christ in how we enter our Sabbath rest, but rest we must. Daily I am reminded that we cannot give what we have not received. Jesus asks us to Abide (Jn. 15).

How astounding is this!

This is the God who gives us more than we could imagine or even ask for (cf. Eph. 3:20). The God who asks us to co-labor with Him (cf. I Cor. 3:19), but also, so ever gently, tells us to let go and to rest in the assurance that all things, and each one of us, are in His hands.


Coracle is launching a short series we’re naming “Resilience, Response, and Rest”. Read more here.

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