
Contemplative Life

Wisdom and Courage For This Hour

Grant us wis­dom, grant us cour­age, For the fac­ing of this hour, For the facing of this hour.” from God of Grace, and God of Glory, words by Harry Emerson Fosdick.

Y’all, these are indeed ‘times that try men’s (and women’s) souls’.  Underneath every raging sea there are depths that move slowly, that are timeless and unaffected, that tolerate the squalls on the surface of things.  Those who are moored in those depths weather the storms, providing anchors for others.

Here’s a few resources for this hour, these days.  I offer them to you in hope that they will help you go deep in the reality of God that outlasts any turmoil, and to stay deep in such a way that we are not only unshaken, but also prepared to be responsive when God shows us what is ours to do (meant individually and corporately).

The Christian faith is fundamentally about the revelation of the God Who Is Love revealed in Jesus the Christ, who summons his family to keep on incarnating that Love in his name as witness.  The only way to do that sustainably is to stay connected to Jesus, such that we bear fruit, fruit that will last (John 15.1-17).   So, friends, let’s stay connected.

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