In this Collection, we will be assembling reflections, devotionals, and other resources intended 1) to help us grow in our ability to behold the beauty always around us, and 2) to offer opportunities for direct encounters with beauty– whether through art, creation, or humanity. We hope this will be a blessing to you and to many!
- Article: “Why Beauty Matters Right Now” by Rev. Bill Haley
- Devotional Resource: “Encountering God in Creation: A Simple Guide” by Karla Petty
- Panel Conversation: “Learning to See: Engaging Beauty as a Path to Wisdom“
- Seminar: “The Role of Art in Spiritual Formation“
- Seminar: “Prayer and the Imagination“
- Seminar: “Spiritual Formation & Poetry” with Rev. Karen Curry
- Article: “Why Coracle Takes Stories Seriously” by Drew Masterson
- Article: “What Does Poetry Have to Do With Spiritual Formation?” by Drew Masterson