One of the primary features of living Christianity as Christ has called us to live it is being a part of community.  Whatever Myers-Briggs personality type you are, or where you fall on the introvert-extrovert spectrum, there is no getting around the fact that Christ set an example for us to live in community, demonstrated its joys and its difficulties, and calls us to the same in our own lives.  (Keep reading for the myriad opportunities Coracle is offering over these next few months!)

In battle, a phalanx is a much more protective and supportive group to be a part of than a man running at the enemy on his own. In navigation, to get a true reading on what our actual position is, we triangulate.  These penguins rotate around each other in a blizzard so no one is left permanently out in the cold.  A tapestry with one color thread woven through is just a blanket, really.  We need other colors and textures woven in to a tapestry to begin to see a picture of anything.  What song worth listening to consists of only one note? You get my drift.

We need each other.  We need community.  It is for this reason that Coracle has extensions in Baltimore, Northern Virginia, and dreams of more. There is no substitute for being in the presence of other living, breathing images of God, and Coracle is working to create more opportunities for you to be able to do that.  When I sit with you at Corhaven for a day, or share a conversation in someone’s home in Northern Virginia, or travel with you in far off lands, my experience is richer, my learning more profound, my awareness of the presence of God is heightened because you are there with me, and I see Him in you.  By being in community with each other, we reflect the communal nature of the Triune God. This is vital to our growth as Christians, encouraging to our souls, and strengthening as we face the challenges of a broken world.

Here are some ways you can get connected or dive further into the Coracle Community:

In Northern Virginia…

  • April 18th, we are launching a weekly gathering on Wednesdays called “Word and Silence”.  It is a space for anyone who desires quiet in the chaos, who wants to practice the reading and contemplation of scripture, who enjoys community, silence, or both together, who wants to go deeper with God.
  • We are partnering with The Trinity Forum for an Evening Conversation on April 30th at Busboys and Poets in DC on the Legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Keep an eye out for more details coming soon about that.
  • We are visiting the National Museum of African American History and Culture on May 5.
  • On June 2nd join our friends Steve Park and Coracle Board member Kendrick Curry for a day of “Engaging our Faith in the City”.
  • June 16th, we’re hosting a retreat in DC on being “In the World: Vocation and Work”.
And that’s just through June…
In Baltimore…
  • April 8th George Hopkins and Scott Buresh will lead a follow-up discussion on the devotional “An American Lent” created by The Repentance Project.
  • On May 5th, we’re holding a special day retreat on the Vocation of Financial Services Providers.
  • Scott is taking a group of intrepid pilgrims for a long walk in the UK in June,
  • this summer they will be holding a retreat on God’s Creation, date TBD.

There’s much more in store for Baltimore too!

These are just a few of the touch points Coracle is offering for community in the next few months. Different ways for us to gather together, to enter into the Kingdom, grow and sharpen one another.  We hope you will join us on the journey. And do stay in touch with us in any way that works best for you: Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram, are at your disposal. See you very soon, we hope!

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